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Thread: M1T & Cypionate Side Effects the same?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Puerto Rico

    Unhappy M1T & Cypionate Side Effects the same?

    I have that question. I know Test Cypionate is not compared to any PH's, but I will like to know...

    What is the difference in side effects when using Cypionate? The same as M1T?

    I have used M1T and the chemical gave me 14 pounds of fat and pure muscle combining it with 4-AD.

    But I'm still not sure, I did not received any side effects with M1T & 4-AD and I mean NONE...can I still get some sides with Test Cypionate?

    Just kind of scared with all the dillegence I have done,but defenetly not either my liver or kidney stand a chance of getting hurt if used in very low dosages.

    Let me know,
    Last edited by Mr Juice; 07-07-2004 at 06:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    M1t is completely different from test c. Test c will give you the same bloat as m1t, its not hepatoxic like m1t. And you won't be lethargic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Puerto Rico
    are you saying that M1T and Testosterone Cypionate are much alike in muscle gain?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    No, you can't even compare the two. Test c/e is alot better than m1t for mass and strength gains.

  5. #5
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    Puerto Rico
    By the way, the only visible side effect that I saw was urinating a dark brown piss. I think it was because I din't drink not even a gallon of water. But let me know if this kind of side effect is common when using roids.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    east coast
    I don't think so, you might want to get that checked out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    I like m-1t. I get good gains with really no sides to speak of. I would look into that dark piss.

  8. #8
    m1t is toxic as ****. that's why you piss brown blood. i'd say m1t is probably almost worse than fina when it comes to sides. i agree that it works well, but it can't be a healthy thing for your body.

  9. #9
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    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    m1t is toxic as ****. that's why you piss brown blood. i'd say m1t is probably almost worse than fina when it comes to sides. i agree that it works well, but it can't be a healthy thing for your body.
    This is wrong. Fina is bad for your kidney's not your liver. M1t is the saem hepatoxicity of dbol. You shouldn't have a problem with blood in urine if you take your liver protectants and don't drink or do other methyls.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    This is wrong. Fina is bad for your kidney's not your liver. M1t is the saem hepatoxicity of dbol. You shouldn't have a problem with blood in urine if you take your liver protectants and don't drink or do other methyls.

    I just said sides, not liver sides. Regardless, when your urine is brown it is not a good sign. And I know of many websites online that refuse to sell m1t due to how toxic and risky it is and the chance of future legal woes should there happen to be some people get ****ed by it. That stuff is just not worth it. If anyone were to run it I'd keep it at 2 weeks max, which I've seen grow popular on other boards.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nsa
    No, you can't even compare the two. Test c/e is alot better than m1t for mass and strength gains.
    The best way to do 1-testosterone is "with" testosterone. Should be using real testosterone as a base with everything, including 1-testosterone.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Juice
    I have that question. I know Test Cypionate is not compared to any PH's, but I will like to know...

    What is the difference in side effects when using Cypionate? The same as M1T?

    I have used M1T and the chemical gave me 14 pounds of fat and pure muscle combining it with 4-AD.

    But I'm still not sure, I did not received any side effects with M1T & 4-AD and I mean NONE...can I still get some sides with Test Cypionate?

    Just kind of scared with all the dillegence I have done,but definately not either my liver or kidney stand a chance of getting hurt if used in very low dosages.
    To be honest, the side effects arent that bad unless you go mega mega doses... I think with 500 mg of test or less there might not be a need to do nolvadex or arimidex at all while on... you still need something like clomid when cycle ends and you are trying to restart your natural testosterone production. I have done just fine at 700 mg week testosterone and not doing arimidex/nolvadex except I have it on hand ready to react to sensative or itchy nipples. To be honest I have never experioenced nipple problems except when on anadrol.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    The best way to do 1-testosterone is "with" testosterone. Should be using real testosterone as a base with everything, including 1-testosterone.
    Thats what I did... definitely gave me an extra 5lb bump at the end of my cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Juice
    By the way, the only visible side effect that I saw was urinating a dark brown piss. I think it was because I din't drink not even a gallon of water. But let me know if this kind of side effect is common when using roids.

    Are u taking the vitamen B's? This could explain the dark urine. If not then usually dark piss is one of the things that will cause a doctor to remove you from methyl containing drugs. BTW, Someone said crystal meth, methaqualone (quaalude) and various drugs other then steroids contain methyl's... some doctors might keep patients on meth drugs for 6 months to a year but they take you off meth drugs when things like darkening skin or urine happen. Its quite normal to get darker then normal or almost black tarry type turds when doing number #2 and on testosterone and this is not anything to worry about with the #2. Your body dumps some excess testosterone in the turds so this is where this comes from.

  15. #15
    my dick stopped working after taking 1mt

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Puerto Rico

    Angry Should I use more milk thistle?

    I was taking Multi-Vitamins most of the time in the morning "AST 32X". And I started seing the dark brown urine at my 2nd week. The problem was I wasn't drinking much water(less than a gallon.)

    I was taking M1T Plus- that contains 150mg Hawthorn Berry,175mg Milk Thistle and 50mg of Licorace root...and of course the same capsules contain 5mg of M1T which I took 10mg for the last 3 weeks.

    I never did more than 10mg, 10mg of M1T was more than enouf for me.

    Now, I no longer have the kind of dark brown urine, now is white most of the time. Things are going normal now.

    Started taking 6-oxo 5 days later of finishing with M1T at 1,200mg. I have more milk thistle on hand, should I take more? I though the amount the capsules had was enouf.

    Let me know!
    Last edited by Mr Juice; 07-08-2004 at 03:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Juice
    I was taking Multi-Vitamins most of the time in the morning "AST 32X". And I started seing the dark brown urine at my 2nd week. The problem was I wasn't drinking much water(less than a gallon.)

    I was taking M1T Plus- that contains 150mg Hawthorn Berry,175mg Milk Thistle and 50mg of Licorace root...and of course the same capsules contain 5mg of M1T which I took 10mg for the last 3 weeks.

    I never did more than 10mg, 10mg of M1T was more than enouf for me.

    Now, I no longer have the kind of dark brown urine, now is white most of the time. Things are going normal now.

    Started taking 6-oxo 5 days later of finishing with M1T at 1,200mg. I have more milk thistle on hand, should I take more? I though the amount the capsules had was enouf.

    Let me know!
    You should have 1 gram of milk thistle ED. And you def need more than 6-oxo for pct. Nolvadex and clomid are many times better than 6-oxo. You need to research it a bit more. Check out the m1t faq in the supplement forum.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Puerto Rico


    the sylimarin bottle says 1 capsule=300mg, how much is 1 gram?

    Should I use it for the rest of my PCT?

    Let me know.

    Mr. Juice

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    1 g = 1000mg
    300 mg x 3 caps = 900 mg
    300 mg x 4 caps = 1200 mg

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Puerto Rico


    thanks for the help dude, i appreciate it

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    No problem.

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