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Thread: Maintenance cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh

    Maintenance cycle?

    Me and a gym buddy of mine were discussing this yesterday, maybe you guys can help us out.

    I was just thinking, if you body only naturaly creates roughly 10-15lbs of new muscle per year if your training and eating like a mad man, how can you hope to hold onto 30-40lbs of new muscle in a year (for a newbie)? I know it can be done because you see it all the time but is there anything else to it besides keeping your diet and training up while off cycle and having good pct?

    Does gear that hardens and densifies (if thats a real word) muscle have any effect on helping you to keep your gains? Things like winny, anavar, masteron, eq, etc.
    ie: After two large bulking cycle would it be smart to use some of these agents along with a low dose of test to help solidify gains before going into a large cycle again?

    I ask because I think I'm one of the few ppl that has a set goal as to what weight and size I want to be before I stop, once I get there I'll come off gear and maintain natty as well as I can, but will I be able to in the long term...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    ooohhh interesting post...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    On my first cycle of 30mg Dbol ED and 500mg test E, i was 155lbs in the begining and i went up too 185lbs by the end of it, 14 weeks.

    I never did PCT, i lost 5 lbs when i came off within a couple of weeks, which was just water i believe, my face and skin lost the puffy look. I kept up my training and diet and i we back to 183lbs by the end of the 5-6th week of coming off...

    I never lost any strength either.

  4. #4
    Get ready for a long bout of replies. I would start it now but I don't even have the time to make a proper response.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    Get ready for a long bout of replies. I would start it now but I don't even have the time to make a proper response.
    lol.... thanks for the fair warning.

  6. #6
    Simple answer.....NO, you will not be able in the long term to maintain a set size/goal you achieved while using exogenous hormones naturally. Our bodies are not hormonally designed to hold X amount of mass over our normal bodyweight. You very well might be able to maintain somewhat close to the bodyweight you achieved but time coupled with the reduction of exogenous hormones will result in serious physique composition changes. Even if your training, diet, rest is spot on and your supplementing with creatine and products like that until your blue in the face you will never achieve or be able to maintain the strength, size, and overall body composition you had while using AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Is the same true if you're only trying to reach your genetic potential and not surpass it? Once you've hit it could you maintain it naturally? I realize if you made it to 280lbs on AAS you aren't going to be able to stay there without them.

    What I really want to know though is if there are cycles that can be done to help solidify gains you've already made on AAS so after you do come off they're easier to keep in the long run (ie: years).

    Quote Originally Posted by sd11
    Simple answer.....NO, you will not be able in the long term to maintain a set size/goal you achieved while using exogenous hormones naturally. Our bodies are not hormonally designed to hold X amount of mass over our normal bodyweight. You very well might be able to maintain somewhat close to the bodyweight you achieved but time coupled with the reduction of exogenous hormones will result in serious physique composition changes. Even if your training, diet, rest is spot on and your supplementing with creatine and products like that until your blue in the face you will never achieve or be able to maintain the strength, size, and overall body composition you had while using AAS.
    Last edited by 1-Cent; 07-09-2004 at 12:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sd11
    Simple answer.....NO, you will not be able in the long term to maintain a set size/goal you achieved while using exogenous hormones naturally. Our bodies are not hormonally designed to hold X amount of mass over our normal bodyweight. You very well might be able to maintain somewhat close to the bodyweight you achieved but time coupled with the reduction of exogenous hormones will result in serious physique composition changes. Even if your training, diet, rest is spot on and your supplementing with creatine and products like that until your blue in the face you will never achieve or be able to maintain the strength, size, and overall body composition you had while using AAS.
    That is some good info, GOOD JOB!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh

  10. #10
    Bump... Badass topic...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    South of Heaven
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    Is the same true if you're only trying to reach your genetic potential and not surpass it? Once you've hit it could you maintain it naturally? I realize if you made it to 280lbs on AAS you aren't going to be able to stay there without them.

    What I really want to know though is if there are cycles that can be done to help solidify gains you've already made on AAS so after you do come off they're easier to keep in the long run (ie: years).

    im curious as well. i plan to do one cycle only til i get to my desired weight once i get there i want to maintain that weight naturally.

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