I just had a lovely lady leave my room and I had some performance issues. I finished my cycle of test/eq and the last test shot was 6-28, while the last eq was 6-24. Yeah, I ran low on test... but anyways, pct is scheduled for July 15th, a week from today. I am currently taking 60mg of var and I havn't had any issues with getting erections all day long.
However, when it came time to perform, I couldn't get a rise... Is this due to normal performance anxiety, or could the cycle being over have something to do with it, even with the 60mg of var/day. The weird thing is that I have had erections all day, but just not when it counts. I got so frustrated that I went to the restroom and drank down a dropper of some cialis,I think I will stay on cialis until PCT starts -- just in case.
Has anyone else experienced this... this could be natural, or it could be a side of being off cycle.