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Thread: mods and experts please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym

    mods and experts please help

    Hey, exactly 1 year ago i took an 8 week cycle of sus 250

    week 1=1cc
    week 2= 2cc
    week 3= 3cc
    week 4=4cc
    week 5= 4cc
    week 6= 3cc
    week7= 2cc
    week 8= 1cc

    I gained from 140lbs and went to 168lbs...i lost about 4 lbs thoughout the year.....If i took the same cycle a year later would my results be somewhat the same?

  2. #2

    Re: mods and experts please help

    Originally posted by ZTEM
    If i took the same cycle a year later would my results be somewhat the same?
    here we go...another "what can i expect question". to help you answer my post

  3. #3

    Re: mods and experts please help

    Originally posted by ZTEM
    week 1=1cc
    week 2= 2cc
    week 3= 3cc
    week 4=4cc
    week 5= 4cc
    week 6= 3cc
    week7= 2cc
    week 8= 1cc
    and no need to taper the Sus. it's basically self-tapering. no need to taper any juice for that matter. that's an old practice. just have some clomid on hand so you won't crash afterwards.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Don't taper sust. As far as the results - NO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    when you say as far as the you mean i should not even consider the tought of gaining that much again?

    what reasonably priced addition to this cycle could i in college and not of extreme wealth

  6. #6
    Imo, front load the sus and add in some dbol, deca or fina

    Gains depend on you, but generally you will never gain as much as your first all things being equal.


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