Hey guys,
quick question. I rarely have nosebleeds. As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time my nose bled. However, today at the gym, as I was doing the last of a set of weighted dips, I felt my nose began to run. So, naturally, I grabbed my sweat rag and wiped it off. Lo and behold a big fat, bright, red blood stain on my white rag, and another on the floor in front of me. I could also taste it in my throat. Needless to say, I still finished working out, and I didn't die but I am somewhat concerned.
here are my stats.
2nd week of deca 300 and test 400 at 1 cc each a week. taking nolova at 10 mg per day, vitamin b6 at 200 mg per day, and centrum multi-vitamin.
diet is OK. a lot of protein intake with a balanced complex carb diet.
sleep kinda sux. i work a midnight / graveyard shift, 12 hours a night, 5 times a week. i work out straight off work.
could it be a bad reaction to the juice or the other stuff i'm taking. too much stress? not enought rest? am i dying?