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Thread: Military training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Question Military training

    Just need some advice.

    age: 29
    ht: 6ft
    wt: 230
    bf%: 19

    I have been reading the posts for about a month now. What cycle would be good for a person about to go through some tough
    military training(i.e.- Rangers,SEAL)? Need to be able to do alot of pull-ups, push-ups, dips, running, swimming ect. Also I need to drop weight and bf. Have about 9months to prep.

    p.s.- Already have 3500mg of Tren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    wonderful world of oz,where juice is free,plentiful,sterile, and not toxic to the liver
    equipoise and some winstrol,add test or d-bol also and that will do for the strength gains, instead of equipoise you can use deca,

  3. #3
    Hey mysterD.
    Im assuming your not in any special operations now. Dont forget when you go in, they have drug testing. Im not sure if they do test for steroids, but some steroids can stay in the body alot longer than others, EX. Deca up to 18 months.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Anchorage, Alaska
    dude, they test for that shit in the military

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I couldn't agree with you more JJ

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by Juice Junkie
    How about none. Making the cut into a special ops program has less to do with physical conditioning and more to do with heart. They are looking for someone who has the intestinal fortitude to complete a task even when tired, hungry, cold, or just plain beaten down. As a Marine I can guarantee you, you are securing your own road to failure by looking for a short cut. In bodybuilding steriods are a part of the game. In competition sports they are a necessary edge to keep up with the pack. In an evolution such as BUDS, ARS, SSS, or anything of this nature its nothing more than a cop out. Save the juice till you've earned your spot. Once you've earned your trident or 0321 MOS or whatever you are seeking then juice to improve performance.
    very good advice, i'd hold off

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!

    Spec Ops

    Understanding that it not only takes heart, but a strong will and a strong mind. The only thing I can tell you is to make the cut into these types of groups you will need to be able to run- even after you puke, swim-until your arms feel as if their gone, and do all types of PT ie-puh-ups, jjacks, bends/thrusts, situps, crunchs, and a lot more than I can think of. You train to operate in any type of weather, terrain, and situation there is and even a few you can't even imagine. There is no way to get around the physical part of this type of training. You have to have heart, strong will, strong mind, and the ability to push yourself farther than you even believe to be imaginable. There is no joining special ops-your either earn or you don't. no two ways about it-from experience-good luck-because it will be tough.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Thanks for the moral lesson. You could make an argument, that any steroid use, for any reason is a "short cut" or "cop out". But I suppose we could spilt moral hairs all day long. I've been in the military for 12 yrs now, and I have no illusions that steroids would help out, at all, in the mental part of the training. I'm not looking for a "short cut", just looking to peak my performance. Besides, I'm sure most pro athletes did not wait until they made the "team" to use steroids, nor do I believe they would state that steroids were the reason they made the team.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    They will not test you for gears.

    best bet would be GH for it tho. it is even recommended to soldier getting injured.

    But please dont rely on gears for that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    im sorry but i would not suggest GH, and if you are dead set on doing a cycle, then consider maybe an anavar only cycle to get your strength up and get hard lasting gains,... research research research

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    GH before the training
    will help boost immune system and help strenghten
    your ligaments, tendons, and joints

    GH is quite recommended to soldiers that failed selection dued to a injury.

    But like I said, and I will never say it often
    dont rely on gears for your performances in that types of training yes you will improve but I do feel peoples uses it and it became a dead weights.

    You can do like one I know that did this during SFAS, he took a can of feet powder, emptied it,
    cleaned it, took some crushed methyl.
    Helped him to get a boost during selections.

    But I wont relay on this,
    the heart, mind is two of your best tools.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    aaaaaaaaahhhhhh you have 9 months to prepare

    AAAAAAAAAh different ball game now


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Listen to these guys, they know what they're talking about. Physical condition has some part to do with getting through. They will break you down physically far before they they break you mentally, without your spirit you will never get thgough.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rocky Mountain High!
    You have 9 months. Have you already been accepted, or are you looking to take the exams? I was in the service for quite awhile myself... so I know that they won't test for steroids (unless you give them a reason to). But anyway, with 9 months, I believe your goals should be the following.

    You are not looking to put on size. In fact more size would probably slow you down at this point. You do need to cut that bf% because it will slow you down too; however you don't want to lose too much because there are issues with that as well.

    Additionally, there is no point in adding a lot of strength. As long as you are strong enough to pass the exams then that is sufficient. Are you strong enough to pass?

    Here's what I did: I did the exam. Over, and over, and over, and over. I clocked myself doing it. At first I couldn't even do half of it. I did it once a week until I was absolutely sure that I could pass it even if I was sick with the flu. (We both know there isn't a "second chance" day. If your sick, tough shit.)

    So the question you are basically asking is, what AAS would help me achieve this goal? I know you don't want a moral lesson here, and JJ did a very good job with that anyway, so I won't comment other than to say if I could pass the test I passed, then surely anyone who thinks they have a legit shot at it can, naturally.

    You should cut first. Run a cycle of test/eq/winny for 10-12 weeks. Spend the next 3 months off, and prepare: do the test, do the test, do the test. Then I would do another light cycle consisting of test prop and winny alone. (There is a reason endurance athletes like winny!!!!) That should put you a couple months away from the target day. I would then, and I'm sure a lot of people might disagree with this, look into doing a 3-4 week cycle of EPO (there's a reason endurance athletes like EPO, too!!!). Don't forget, do the exam over and over. If you can't do the exact exam then try to come as close as possible. (People look at you wierd when you jump in a lap pool with all your clothes on. Trust me on that one.)

    If you can't pass the test after all that then you don't deserve to even take it.

    Personally if I were you I wouldn't use the tren. My reasoning is that you are already in the service; you don't want to give anyone any ideas, and ED injections require a lot of needles/etc --and it also may give you some bruising. You are bound to have a medical exam or two during the process, and several pinholes in your ass is a big no no. Additionally, the tren will give you great strength gains, and is good for cutting, but for your purposes I really don't think it's necessary. (This coming from someone who LOVES tren. It's my favorite AAS.)
    Last edited by coroner; 02-20-2002 at 10:54 PM.

  15. #15
    Ok, mysterD is already in the military, what about those going into the military, as an officer or enlisting. For the physical exam do they or do they not test for drugs, steroids?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rocky Mountain High!
    Originally posted by Meathead9
    Ok, mysterD is already in the military, what about those going into the military, as an officer or enlisting. For the physical exam do they or do they not test for drugs, steroids?

    NO. Not unless they have a reason to suspect you may be using them.

    Don't forget (esp. if you plan on being an officer) you may need to get a security clearance; if you get anything above a secret you'll have to have a lie detector test done. (OK OK you can get a *provisional* TS w/o one, but for the real deal yes you do.)

  17. #17
    What type of security clearance? Is this true with all branches, Navy, Marines, Air Force, etc? And lastly, what do you mean by "secret?" Thanks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!


    AMEN & SEMPER FI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Oh, I get it now. Steroid use in professional sports is morally acceptable because everyone is on them, so it's needed to "level" the playing field. I didn't know I could still use that excuse past junoir high. And who said anything about using them during selection? I had planned on being off long befor then. I have already passed the physical and medical sceenings needed to attend. And besides, If what you say is true about the "instructors are trained at picking out those who qualify and its not going to be someone who ran a little faster or did a couple more pull ups" and if what they a looking for is intestinal fortatude and drive, two things which steroids will not give you an edge on, then the playing field is truely even regardsless of what I do. I know they break everyone physically, and see if you can bring it together mentally. If being a little stronger is not going to the major factor in being selected, then what is you beef with doing a cycle 9 months prior to training?

  20. #20
    I think you definitaly need to gear your cycle towards cutting your bf%. You already got the tren, so I would go ahead and just use it. But I would't stick it in my arms, sure would be hard to explain to "doc" why you got those bruises right where they wanna stick you at shot call.
    Is your bf% 19% with calipers or the taping system? If you are actually 19% with calipers, you are gonna need to get rid of that fat cause there is a damn good chance you will get dropped for stress injuries(ie. stress fractures in the shins,hips)
    Are you a grunt? If not you better start hiking on your own. CAuse with that gear on your back you could be putting bout 300+ lbs of weight on your feeet and that tends to hurt after a few miles.
    Basically do what the other guys are saying and start training the way you will during your school. There is very little that a gym will do to get ready for the school, the shit you do has very little to do with what you bench! ( Hell I can bench more than a lot of the recon guys in the gym here, but I ain't got shit on those recon bubbas when it comes to real training, and I got heart!)
    I could give a fuck about the moral shit with gear, but what are you gonna do when you don't have the gear out in field? And the only thing to sustain you is rationed MRE's. That sure would be a shitty time to find out that you didn't actually have what it takes!

  21. #21
    yeah? over in oki

  22. #22
    that was suppossed to be yeah, not a question. sorry (damn stupid marines) anyway i am a marine and i am in oki

  23. #23
    Yeah I came in and wanted to go recon, but I kinda got screwed out of that. But I did well on the asvab so they made me an electronics tech. Unfortunately stories about my "really dangerous radio" doesn't really compare to running a .50 cal. But that is alright, I may not be able to nail mohammed from 2000 yards, but if he gets in my R.F. paths I'll fry him with 1600 watts of pure american radiation. who wants some?!!!!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rocky Mountain High!
    Originally posted by scem7
    I may not be able to nail mohammed from 2000 yards, but if he gets in my R.F. paths I'll fry him with 1600 watts of pure american radiation. who wants some?!!!!

    I did 2 westpacs... Op. desert shield/Desert Storm (1) and Somalia (2)..... ugh. I wasn't dirtside, though, so I guess it doesn't mean much.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!


    I spent my first 18 months in OKI and I tell you I just miss running all those damn hills at Camp Scwhab. What Company of Recon do they have over there now? When I first reported it was Delta Co., but then we got rotated back and ended up with D.Co. 3d LAI, to help start that whole Light Armored Recon program.
    From the OG WOLFPACK!!

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