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Thread: newbie-needs some advice..

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question newbie-needs some advice..

    Hey there guy's aiight here's tha deal, i'm 19, 135-145lbs about 5'9, and i'm not sure bout my body fat but i remember a long time ago it was 12% i belive, my question is i'm thinkin bout usin some gas to help me out at tha gym, m not lookin to get comp big, just a nice build to look good for myself an tha ladies, i'm thinking about usin one cycle of d-bols to start out with and maybe later on some deca, i would just like some insight on all of this since i dont' know a **** thing bout working out or usin gas, i wanna get big fast an with minimal side effects, guy's please help me, thankz alot...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    A bridge down by da river
    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    Hey there guy's aiight here's tha deal, i'm 19, 135-145lbs about 5'9, and i'm not sure bout my body fat but i remember a long time ago it was 12% i belive, my question is i'm thinkin bout usin some gas to help me out at tha gym, m not lookin to get comp big, just a nice build to look good for myself an tha ladies, i'm thinking about usin one cycle of d-bols to start out with and maybe later on some deca, i would just like some insight on all of this since i dont' know a **** thing bout working out or usin gas, i wanna get big fast an with minimal side effects, guy's please help me, thankz alot...
    wow... Deca and dbol only.. Im speachless

  3. #3
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    Hey there guy's aiight here's tha deal, i'm 19, 135-145lbs about 5'9, and i'm not sure bout my body fat but i remember a long time ago it was 12% i belive, my question is i'm thinkin bout usin some gas to help me out at tha gym, m not lookin to get comp big, just a nice build to look good for myself an tha ladies, i'm thinking about usin one cycle of d-bols to start out with and maybe later on some deca, i would just like some insight on all of this since i dont' know a **** thing bout working out or usin gas, i wanna get big fast an with minimal side effects, guy's please help me, thankz alot...
    1st not to flame or anything, but how long have you been working out?
    And 2nd youre a little too young to be doing what I think you MIGHT want to do, your test levels are still changing until about 22-23 yrs old. IMO you're too young.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thejuiceisloose
    1st not to flame or anything, but how long have you been working out?
    And 2nd youre a little too young to be doing what I think you MIGHT want to do, your test levels are still changing until about 22-23 yrs old. IMO you're too young.
    age is not the problem here at all... its the fact that hes planning on running dbol and deca only...

    Test is a great first cycle.
    test E or C at 400mg/10-12 weeks
    nolva .20mg Ed 10-12

    and then pheednos pct

  5. #5
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    age is not the problem here at all... its the fact that hes planning on running dbol and deca only...
    yeah thats like

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    ........... i wanna get big fast an with minimal side effects, guy's please help me, thankz alot...
    Man that would be great! Good Luck bro with the magic powder...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flasher
    Man that would be great! Good Luck bro with the magic powder...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    age is not the problem here at all... its the fact that hes planning on running dbol and deca only...

    Test is a great first cycle.
    test E or C at 400mg/10-12 weeks
    nolva .20mg Ed 10-12

    and then pheednos pct
    Thats NOT the only problem. He doesnt know the first thing about working out 1, he wants to run dbol and deca 2, he has no idea about pct 3, he's too young 4, he has no plans for any anciliaries 5. I could go on and on but this is NOT flame.

    IMO bro......... EAT RIGHT, LIFT HARD, and WAIT !!!!

  9. #9
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    youre right.. I just misread.. I thought he was 22 or 23.. because of the second of juices reply. Didnt realize he was 19. But Im pretty sure hes not going to take our advice given the fact he has not replied and he has posted this question before.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    youre right.. I just misread.. I thought he was 22 or 23.. because of the second of juices reply. Didnt realize he was 19. But Im pretty sure hes not going to take our advice given the fact he has not replied and he has posted this question before.
    Hey why would he take OUR advice

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    ya.. we are not docs!! good luck with the dbol/deca cycle..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    ya.. we are not docs!! good luck with the dbol/deca cycle..
    sorry I had to

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    Hey why would he take OUR advice
    lol, you like that bannana guy huh? j/k!
    Yeah I could go on and on on why he should NOT do what he thinks he wants to do, but whew my fingers would get tired of typing.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2004
    My advice, learn how to workout and eat right. Don't touch steroids. But you won't listen so go ahead and eat your d-bols and learn the hard way. I'd love to see you mid cycle with your fat bloated face and pathetic gains. Good luck.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    sorry I had to
    guess ill add one more thing to this deca/dbol thread....

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    So much said with so little words.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    nothing is going to get you big fast it takes time with or without AAS. Dbol and deca is a nono IMO. test cyp or ethanate would be best for your first cycle. your a little young I would wait till about 21-22 before using.

  18. #18
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    **** man why half u guys so **** rude i was just asking, i dont' know much bout any of this i was just reffered to d-bols by a friend who is a fitness trainer, an i was coming here for help on that, i don't really know how to get any of this stuff except for d-bols, and i dont' really wanna do injectables, my other friend said something about animalstac 1-tu or something like taht he said that's good stuff, i'm gettin so much different info on whut to take, and why is my age such a prob i know ppl who have taking stuff when they was even younger an they turned out fine??

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    youre right.. I just misread.. I thought he was 22 or 23.. because of the second of juices reply. Didnt realize he was 19. But Im pretty sure hes not going to take our advice given the fact he has not replied and he has posted this question before.
    Why would u say i'm not going to take your advice when that is what i came here for, plus i am a new user an this is the first q's i have ever posted, thnks for the help..

  20. #20
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    **** man why half u guys so **** rude i was just asking, i dont' know much bout any of this i was just reffered to d-bols by a friend who is a fitness trainer, an i was coming here for help on that, i don't really know how to get any of this stuff except for d-bols, and i dont' really wanna do injectables, my other friend said something about animalstac 1-tu or something like taht he said that's good stuff, i'm gettin so much different info on whut to take, and why is my age such a prob i know ppl who have taking stuff when they was even younger an they turned out fine??
    animal stack not that bad. i tried twinlabs ando nitrate-3 and liked the pumps............

  21. #21
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    soo u think animal stac is better than d-bols to start out with? an before someone had said they kan't belive i'm ONLY using d-bol an deca, how many should i be using? i'm not trying to get huge here just a nice build like gain maybe 20-40lbs.

  22. #22
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    IMO and almost everyone on this board, test is a must. I dont want to get huge either but In order to keep your libido up youre going to have to run some form of test. Dbol is used to kickstart a cycle and only used for 4 weeks. Deca is a good choice but would be a waste and you will have some very unwanted sides from it if you dont run test.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    soo u think animal stac is better than d-bols to start out with? an before someone had said they kan't belive i'm ONLY using d-bol an deca, how many should i be using? i'm not trying to get huge here just a nice build like gain maybe 20-40lbs.
    Bro, you're not only slightly young to consider this, but you clearly have no idea about how to work out correctly and I'm going on a limb to say that you're diet isn't too in order either. You need to work on those things for about 2 years or so before you consider jumping in to this. People are giving you sh*t because you shouldn't be even considering this and you have ridiculous goals. This stuff is no miracle. With hard work and a good diet they will do wonders, but for someone with no idea what they're doing in a gym, that doesn't go to the gym nearly enough, they will do nothing but make you fatter. There is nothing you can take to pack on 20-40 lbs. in the way you want. Maybe 20+ lbs. of chub but that's it. Get yourself to the diet and workout forum and learn there, or give this idea up. It's no miracle. But you can always find out the hard way if you'd like.

  24. #24
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    p.s. - there is no getting big fast with no side effects.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    p.s. - there is no getting big fast with no side effects.
    well said

  26. #26
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    I'm not planning on doing any of this untill i have all the proper info an so forth, tht is why i am here, since i've been to this site i have already learned a lot about AS, not close to enough but a lot more than i have previously known. What is a test? and which of these test's do u belive would be good for me? i really appreciate the help i'm gettin here just not all the laughs, i'm very serious about learning the proper way of doing things, can somebody please write me out a list that would be a good cycle starter??

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    I'm not planning on doing any of this untill i have all the proper info an so forth, tht is why i am here, since i've been to this site i have already learned a lot about AS, not close to enough but a lot more than i have previously known. What is a test? and which of these test's do u belive would be good for me? i really appreciate the help i'm gettin here just not all the laughs, i'm very serious about learning the proper way of doing things, can somebody please write me out a list that would be a good cycle starter??
    Good cycle starter = no steroids for you.

    Like I already said, go to the diet and work out forum and learn from there for about 2 years. Apply the knowledge you learn there in that time and you'll be ready to do this correctly and safely by then. If you're not willing to do that then you don't deserve to mess with steroids. They're not going to do the hard work for you like you're hoping.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    Good cycle starter = no steroids for you.
    They're not going to do the hard work for you like you're hoping.
    if they don't do tha hard work whut is tha point in taking them to begin with??if they don't help soo much why do so many ppl take them? n like i said before i've had friends who have takin AS at a much younger age then me, n not studying the forums for 2 years, n have had satisfactory results, i am going to do tha research, i obviously want to maintain a healthy body, but i also wanna start a cycle, and i want to know a cycle which would be good, when i know which one would be good, then i kan do the research on each AS an how to do a pct, etc, but i can't do any of that untill someone helps me out with a starting cycle. thankz again,

  29. #29
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    The gains from anabolic steroids are great. However there are many sides and things that you should do while on them. You have a lot to learn. First of You need to research test if youre that serious about wanting to take AS. Test is the base of every cycle IMO. Its good youre asking questions before you start injecting your yourself with these substances. There is a ton you need to know about them before you start. Run a search on test (and the different types), the side effects of steroids, PCT, ANti-e's, and go into the diet forum and read up on a good diet.

  30. #30
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    Thankz krunch u've been tha most help so far and i really appreciate that, what does IMO stand for? is there a specific kinda test i should be looking for and where should i look there is soo much b/s out on the net that's why i was happy to be directed to this site it's been soo resourceful, whut is an anti-e? sorry i'm asking u all this when u told me to do research but i guess this is part of my research asking q's an such, thank u very much

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    Thankz krunch u've been tha most help so far and i really appreciate that, what does IMO stand for? is there a specific kinda test i should be looking for and where should i look there is soo much b/s out on the net that's why i was happy to be directed to this site it's been soo resourceful, whut is an anti-e? sorry i'm asking u all this when u told me to do research but i guess this is part of my research asking q's an such, thank u very much
    IMO = in my opinion.
    Anti-e= anit estrogen, run a search on nolva

    There are many types of tests, test E, test cyp, test susp, test prop...etc. Research them all but I can tell you the ENAN or CYP are going to be the ones recommended to you for a 1st cycle.

  32. #32
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    This kid isnt going to listen... he's going to go in the gym twice a week and have no clue what he's doing, inject something he knows nothing about into his body, and eat like $hit. I don't even know why you guys are giving him advice if in his first post he said he knows NOTHING about working out. Obviously nothing about diet either.

    If you don't have a good NATURAL base before touching steroids you will lose 90% of your gains. Bottom line, bro. Take it or leave it.

    You can make steroid-like gains naturally if you learn a little bit about working out and dieting. I went from 140 to 180 in 2 years on protein shakes bro. Good luck getting (and keeping) that on steroids.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 07-13-2004 at 09:14 PM.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    This kid isnt going to listen... he's going to go in the gym twice a week and have no clue what he's doing, inject something he knows nothing about into his body, and eat like $hit. I don't even know why you guys are giving him advice if in his first post he said he knows NOTHING about working out. Obviously nothing about diet either.

    If you don't have a good NATURAL base before touching steroids you will lose 90% of your gains. Bottom line, bro. Take it or leave it.

    You can make steroid-like gains naturally if you learn a little bit about working out and dieting. I went from 140 to 180 in 2 years on protein shakes bro. Good luck getting (and keeping) that on steroids.
    Im giving him advice because Ive already tried what you are doing. He wants to them and we cant stop him.. I figure that telling him the right things to take will hurt him less in the long run then letting him run deca and dbol only. I agree with you. He should be running a cycle. ESP after re-reading his post that says he knows **** about working out and gas..... Is gas a new term for gear? I guess you do learn something new everyday

  34. #34
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    Thankz krunch i will do that asap, an AandF it's not like i dont' know a thing bout going to tha gym i used to a few years back it's just it's been awhile an i will need a lil katchin up on it, bout tha dietin i dont know a whole lot just that u need somewhere round 4g's of cal's a day an so forth i'm also going to be working with a personal trainer threw out my cycle, just so i dont' **** up an also so i know whut i'm doing an keeping healthy, i'm going at this in a very postive way, i want what's best for my body but also something to motivate me an lift my confidence.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    Im giving him advice because Ive already tried what you are doing. He wants to them and we cant stop him.. I figure that telling him the right things to take will hurt him less in the long run then letting him run deca and dbol only. I agree with you. He should be running a cycle. ESP after re-reading his post that says he knows **** about working out and gas..... Is gas a new term for gear? I guess you do learn something new everyday
    i do want to run a cycle but i dont' know of any i just thought u could run a cycle on just d-bol, but i guess not, an for tha gas thing haha i just seen someone else write that so i thought it was common sorry..

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by cu-420
    i do want to run a cycle but i dont' know of any i just thought u could run a cycle on just d-bol, but i guess not, an for tha gas thing haha i just seen someone else write that so i thought it was common sorry..
    I see. Well good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  37. #37
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    Jun 2003
    Do you know how much protein you should have? How many meals? How many carbs a day? Post Workout Shake? If I were you I'd spend maybe 2 hours on this site and youd make your lifting so much more efficient, and gain so much more muscle if you do things right.

    Just for the record, personal trainers arent always gods. I had a couple when I started lifting and they sucked ass. Do you have a routine yet? Number of sets per bodypart? This is just rediculous going into this headfirst without basic diet/training knowledge.

    One of my favorite quotes - "If you fail to plan, then youre planning to fail"
    Last edited by AandF6969; 07-13-2004 at 09:56 PM.

  38. #38
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    I've been reading all about that stuff on i'm just researchin right now i'm not gonna do anything for a while.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    praise the looooooooooord

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Im in total agreement what ecoastvip & a&f has said. Look cu-420 there is no quick long lasting pill to give you 40lbs overnight. Be smart, be patient, continue reading, buy a prescription to a health bodybuilding mags. Stay motivated using good choice of supplements. Continue to train. Use the personal trainer if you need to as a base foundation. I too am a personal trainer(not full-time) & would never tell a client to use d-bol or any AAS at 19-23. Best advice is do it naturaly. Girls will still like you if you have a good personality. Trust me your confidence will grow. Good luck

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