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Thread: Using Rogaine for Spot Treatment...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Stamford, CT

    Using Rogaine for Spot Treatment...

    I don't think I'm balding, I have an afro sort-of, all bushy and what not.

    But in the back, on the left side, where my part meets and changes, it is just plain bald, it has always been like that, as far as I remember. Right now you can't tell cuz of all the hair in the way, but eventually I am going to have to cut my mop.

    My questions is, will Rogaine help fix the quarter-half inch diameter circle, If I only use it in the that area, will spot treatment work? Will it do anything to the hair around the area? Is there a drawback to using it even on hair that is healthy. I've read about users who have it dripped on their forehead and started growing hair on that, kind of weird.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    If you've never had hair there, then Minoxidil will most likely not help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Stamford, CT
    but how about the users who didnt have hair on their forehead and then when it trickled down it started growing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    at 12$ for a bottle what do you have to lose in trying?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Look closely at the spot using two mirrors or let someone else look closely ot see if there si actually no hair in that spot or if thats just the way your hair seperates..if you have an afro i'm assuming u have curly and/or coarse hair like hair is hard to style and sometime i just wake up in the morning and it looks like there are bald spots on the back but they really arent bald spots they are just the hair twirled or pushed that way, examining very closely shows that teh hair density is just fine there!!!

    Now assuming your hair is completley bald (as in shiny bald) in that small spot then maybe its due to a scar of somesort and in that case nothing will work just comb the longer hair over it.

    Now if its just thinning hair int hat spot then yes u can use minoxidil on that spot only, minoxidil will not hurt the hair around and the rumor you heard about people growing hair on the forehead is a bit exaggerated! infact i think its completly made up because anything that effective would probably be kept a secret instead of being sold over the counter. Just apply it to your bald spot and see the results in about 3months thats how long it takes to see visible results.

    Downside of minoxidil is that its not a mircle cure...if it grows new hair for you then that heair is dependant on minoxidil for growth , wich means as soon as u stop...the hair falls out too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Stamford, CT
    yea I have that curly coarse mediterranean afro, so it tends to just clump up and stuff.

    Guess I shouldn't worry, I'm just concerned because I did a lot of winny back in the day and most say it's really harsh on your hairline.

    Thanks for the advice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hey bro I'd try it for sure because you really have nothing to lose. I've seen it grow/fill in slick spots on people. Give it a try at least and see what happens!



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Stamford, CT
    yea I guess I should, it won't harm the surrounding hair I guess, how long does it usually take, should I use the 2% or the 5%?

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