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Thread: Tighter security at Mexican border?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SW United States

    Tighter security at Mexican border?

    A few of my bros just got back from old Mexico and had some horror stories about the increased thoroughness of the search as they walked back across. They claim that the U.S. has revamped it's security measures. Is this true? Sometimes my bros like to over-dramatize things. Anybody been down recently? I'mplanning a trip very soon...any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Last I went was about 5 weeks ago and nothing seems much different; however, I am speaking of AZ border. Not too sure whats going down on Cali or Texas borders.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Whats really cool is the fact that I can go across with my wife and other family at the same time (by car). I have never been searched that way. It's always more difficult when walking across. Seriously man, drive across the border, park, walk into the pharmacy and say "I WANT DA DA DA". They will snap that shi* up on the counter in 2 flat...Done it and for more thangs than gear!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Somewhere in Oregon
    They have thousands of people walk across everyday, they obviously do not have the manpower and resources to search everyone. They will however search someone who looks suspicous or acts nervous. If your 300lbs of ripped muscle, and you do not look "natural" the red flags already gone up. I went down a few years back, despite almost getting put mexican jail in TJ, and dealing with some unpleasent characters, the border searches went fine. They ask you what country you are from when you go through customs, your buisness there and usually don't hassle you. If your a smartass and think your cute and don't cooperate your asking for trouble. I do beleive they still do random searches of people, but I really don't know how random it is, I think it is more provoked then random. My advice would be to act cool and casual, dont act nervous or hostile, tell them you went to TJ to party and have a good time. If a person felt nervous and sketched out about crossing with gear, they could always mail it to there house, but that is all I will say about that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    Just recently went to TJ and everything went fine. However, you do not want to drink the water there!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Smile and be polite. I went to Canada and Mexico two months after 911 and didn't get messed with much. Haven't been down recently but heard there was a big bust coming from Mexico...gear and GH if I remember correctly. Above all be safe and smart and all will go fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I walked back from mexico into El Paso, bought GEAR,vanilla and few other things. no problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Last edited by Pump101; 07-22-2004 at 06:25 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    RAM 2500

    You could make a killling selling that vanilla in the states. that crap is dirt cheap in TJ.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    City of Angels
    Hey what is vanilla guys????? I just went to TJ on Wednesday.... we drove through and we had a LOT of sh*t.... luckily it was hid really well and we made it through despite the brief search..... word of advice... take female friends... I have been through before and this is the first time I was searched and I think it was just cuz it's me and my buddy...

  11. #11
    The border patrol is now revamping its security for illegal steroids being smuggled across from Mexico into the United States. I have heard through a "friend" that ever since that Fox News Special came out about the "Dangers of Steroids" (u guys all remember that one...u might lose a leg) that there is a greater effort in Washington to stop or at least siginificantly reduce the amount of illegal steroids that come in from Mexico. There are several new methods that the border guards will be putting into effect by sometime early next least this is what i have "heard"...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    So Cali. Inland Empire
    Do you know what they are? Because I can not imagine them doing anything different than they already do.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The security has been tighter for a while now, ever since 9/11. Since the BALCO incident the border patrol has been told to press charges against juice traficers, not just fining them if they have a personal amount. Thats just what I hear though, I haven't been across the border in a long time.....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    we went at rush hour last time i went. we were going back from tj to SD at 8-9 am and the only questions the border guy asked were what was our citizenship and what we brought back to mexico. took 30 seconds and off we went with the gear.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I walked across at Nogales with 2 buddies who weren't lifters, and 2 girls, wearing a very baggy T-shirt and jeans, and no one said a **** thing to any of us. Granted we were still drunk at 7am as we left, but I coulda tossed stuff in the girls purses and been set for life. Driving across is NO good. They will rip your **** apart for breathing funny. ALWAYS bring girls with you, makes the trip look more natural.

  16. #16
    I live in souther AZ and have lived in El Paso in the past. I was in Nogales last week but didnt buy gear. They were giving me the eye as I walked passed them because of size and athletic build. I know an ex border patrol agent. He said that this time of the year (late summer/early fall) is when they really amp up the steroid checks. Football season is here and school is coming close to starting up. Also the Fox special was mentioned and the steroids in baseball happening during an election year doesnt help at all. Be careful when going down for gear right now.

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