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Thread: Have any of you ever tried......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Question Have any of you ever tried......

    supplements and/or "anabolic compounds" that you can purchase from a website called I'm researching steroids in preparation to take my first stack. I am very interested in taking some equipoise as part of that stack and in my research I ran across this web site. They have a product called Equibolan, which they claim is a precursor to Bolderone (Equipoise or Equigan). Further, they claim that once in the body this compoud converts itself into Bolderone and in higher dosages than what you'd get if you were injecting Equipoise. Is there any truth to this or should I avoid the stuff. the pic and testimonials look great but then again they wouldn't sell much if they didn't look impressive. Thanks for the help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    i personally think precursors are a waste

    why take a precursor and hope and pray your body converts it or be taking a high priced sugar pill you will only piss away.go str8 for the hormones.equipoise is great, REAL could buy real EQ for what a cycle of vitamins will cost.just my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001


    Funny, I was just surfing around on the anabolics review site and found a link to the very product that I'm talking about. It's a banner ad and the hook line is "Legal Steroids?" when you click the ad it brings up the same product list right in the anabolics review wesite. Can't wait to hear what the rest of you have to say. Thanks again.....

  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    lets put it this way - prohormones are getting better but dont compare to juice but then they wont getr u arrested either. the best IMO is 1AD and that does seem to have good effects. best thing to do is to get a powder prohormone and inject the sucker - actually might work that way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Wow cycle, never thought of that. I got taken by VPX Sports with their ever so famous "#1 selling legal androgen in the world....Paradeca and Decavar". Paradeca is "supposed" to be similar to the ingredients in Parabolin and Deca Durabolin. And the Decavar is similar in stature to Deca and Anavar. Well let me tell you something guys IT'S NOT AT ALL! I spent more money on that $HIT, than I am going to spend on my current cycle. I can't believe I fell for that, I feel like an idiot. Probably cuz I am one. It gave me like give or take 5 lbs which I could have gained by sitting at my computer here, and downing a gallon of water. Oh well, you live you and you learn.


  6. #6
    CYCLEON Guest
    dont feel bad - i still have 2 shelves full of vitamins and crap that i bought long ago when i didnt know beter (wanna buy some HMB?)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    NOW what are you trying to "lure" me in to you C0CK AND B@LLS?!?!?! LOL HAHAHAHA


    by the way...put me down for your entire supply of HMB...

  8. #8
    CYCLEON Guest
    ooohhhhh goodie a sucker......err..... customer, i mean - ill even throw in a free muscletech acetebolan bottle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the gym
    Stick with the real deal man, nothing will be as good as the illegal stuff for a long time, and itll be turned illegal or never actually be legal if its that good

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