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Thread: Dosage help

  1. #1
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
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    Dosage help

    First Id like to introduce myself, I have been readin the board forever and never posted before.

    OK heres my question bro's.....Im an all natural 6', 267 pounds, 12% Bf, My whole family are powerlifters,and bodybuilders, i have very very good genetics. When i was a freshman in highschool i think i beat everyone inculding the senoirs in armwrestling. Well Im a big boy and my lifts are around 495 on bench 630 deadlift and my weak lift squat is about 405 for 8 reps Im not sure the max.

    Now im going to use a little juice and start competing, Now from what I understand most people start off with 500mg of test and 400mg deca with the optional 35mg dbols. I have a feeling this will not put a dent in me....

    I think i should start with 1000mg test and mabye 40mg Dbols or 600mg deca

    what do you guys think i should start wiht low dose or bump it up becuase im already pretty large.

  2. #2
    Tahq is offline Junior Member
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    First old are you because if your under 21 I would recommend waiting. Second, yes you are a pretty big guy, but everyone reacts different to various levels of compounds and starting off at a higher dose on a guess is not a good idea.

    The general consensus on a first run cycle is 500mg of test per week to see how you react and then progress on your cycles from there....also make sure you have you PCT set prior to starting your cycle.

  3. #3
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmm 500mg a week isnt really a low dose and nor is 400mg deca

    dont start at a gram of test mate

    youd make great gains off 500, as you havent used before, you dont need to go high for a first cycle imo

  4. #4
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Bro, sorry to bring you down a notch but I was natural 6'2" 240lbs about the same BF and I was not too good for what everyone else starts with. I know you think you're huge and all but 500-600mg of test a week will be sufficient for your first cycle. And now at 260lbs of less BF I am still only running 700mg's a week. People don't push 1,000mg's a week until they've ran 4-5 or more cycles. Some don't ever take that much. And no, it's not because they're so much smaller than you.

  5. #5
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahq
    First old are you because if your under 21 I would recommend waiting. Second, yes you are a pretty big guy, but everyone reacts different to various levels of compounds and starting off at a higher dose on a guess is not a good idea.

    The general consensus on a first run cycle is 500mg of test per week to see how you react and then progress on your cycles from there....also make sure you have you PCT set prior to starting your cycle.
    He just turned 21 thirteen days ago.

  6. #6
    joevette's Avatar
    joevette is offline Banned
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    So far you've been on a maximum of 84mg of test per week naturally. So 500mg is still a huge increase. Trust us, you will grow.

  7. #7
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    He just turned 21 thirteen days ago.
    Accually I just put a random date becuase i was in a rush my real bday is 12/18/80, Im 23 years old, Ive been dieting and training religously since I was 13 years old, I graduated highschool at 5'11, 242 with low BF.

    So what do you think would be the best first cycle for stregth and size...
    I was gonna go with test&deca and mabye some dbols to start but Even tho i would like the boost that dbols would give me Ive heard that the gains are very sloppy and causes gyno very easily. Im thinkin my first cycle would look like this

    Weeks 1through12to16 Testosterone Cypionate 500mg/week
    Weeks 1through12to16 Deca-Durabolin 400mg/week
    Weeks 1through12to16 Dainabol 35mg/day ( Possibility )

    By the way My diet consists of 6000calories a day when bulking 500grams of protien a day, 800 grams of carbs, about 180 grams of fat give or take. Mostly from meat

    If you would like to know about my training principles feel ree to ask

  8. #8
    Power76's Avatar
    Power76 is offline Associate Member
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    Don't take the D-bol for 12-16 weeks bro. 6 weeks tops at the start of the cycle. You did not mention pct.

  9. #9
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power76
    Don't take the D-bol for 12-16 weeks bro. 6 weeks tops at the start of the cycle. You did not mention pct.
    Jeez, its been a long day I didnt even realize I wrote that I meant 1through5to6 Pct will consist of hcg 5 shots 5 days apart starting after the last shot. Nolva 40mg a day for the first 2 weeks and 20mg a day for the next 2 weeks then 10mg a day for a week and off. Ive had some depression problems in the past and decided not to use clomid for that reason. I Will be using tribulus in its place lol.

  10. #10
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
    SportsMedVIP is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roadisafunnyword
    Jeez, its been a long day I didnt even realize I wrote that I meant 1through5to6 Pct will consist of hcg 5 shots 5 days apart starting after the last shot. Nolva 40mg a day for the first 2 weeks and 20mg a day for the next 2 weeks then 10mg a day for a week and off. Ive had some depression problems in the past and decided not to use clomid for that reason. I Will be using tribulus in its place lol.
    The only downside to your plan is that you can get gyno from test and deca but they need two completely different things to combat it. I would save the deca for another time and run the test as you planned and the D-bol as you planned. You will grow great with that diet you have.

  11. #11
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    The only downside to your plan is that you can get gyno from test and deca but they need two completely different things to combat it. I would save the deca for another time and run the test as you planned and the D-bol as you planned. You will grow great with that diet you have.

    I had gyno as a teen, I had that **** removed, and i dont want it back!! Ive heard you cant get it back so mabye ill run it all. Personally i would have thought deac&test would be a better first cycle then Dbol &test. What do you other guys think. My training is also very simple!

    I will ussally stay at around 9-12 sets total sometimes ill go up to 16-18 If i feel good that day. I Base my routine around dumbbells and barbells. Ill Give you an example of a Back and Bicep routine for me.
    Deadlifts 5x 10-8-6-4-2
    Barbell Rows 3x12-8-6
    T-bar rows 3x12-8-6
    Pulldowns 3x12-8-6
    Barbell Curls 3x12-8-6 ( my favorite exersize )
    Seated Dumbbell Curls 3x12-8-6
    Incline or preacher curls 3x 12-8-6

    I like to pyramid i think i get the best wieght that way. Also I change my rouinte every time i enter the gym even if only by very little. i also liek to do a warm up set for each exersize just really lightwieght for a few reps to get a feel.

    WOW i cant get enough of that dancin banana

    My diet ussually looks like this-

    Meal 1- 2 cups oatmeal,a piece of fruit and a protien shake
    meal 2- 12OZ chicken, 1 cup ebans, 1 cup corn, baked potato
    meal 3- same as 2
    Meal 4- 10oz steak, whole wheat pasta, baked fries (same nutritional value as baked potato)
    meal 5- protien shake and fruit
    I have a cheat meal once a week that consists of a whole pepperoni pizza

    sorry for all the info just givin u guys a basic overveiw of my situation

  12. #12
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2004
    MANNN! this is driving me crazy i cant decide, Fvckin OCD attack!!

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