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Thread: Plans for Comp Cycle...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Plans for Comp Cycle...

    Doing my first comp in 10 weeks... stressing trying to get everything planned out. Little backround on myself, use AS off and on for past 4 years. "On" for almost 10 months now with various AS, HCG etc. Currently 5'8 212ish with 11%bf, want to go in at 197-200 with 6%bf for my show... might drop a touch more wight to get lean enough. 190 being the ABSOLUTE lowest i would go in. Please help revise or throw any opinons you all have about the following cycle plan...

    (Coutning down weeks until the show, week 1)

    Test Enan 700mg pw 10-5(Droping it here to lose any unwanted water weight
    Test Prop 100mg ED 10-1
    Fina 125mg ED 10-1
    M1T 20mg ED 9-6
    Halo 30mg ED 5-1
    P-GH .25ml 2xED 10-1

    Okay, heres the deal, Never use any anti-estrogens becuase never been gyno prone even with 2g+ of test per wek. using it to keep water wieght low as possible... worth it? 20mg ED over kill? Also, Debating on Halo at 30mg ED or Winny 50-75mg ED for the last 5 weeks... opinons?

    Last but not least, never tried this new P-GH. Really wanted to throw in IGF but considering i will be coming off for the first time in over a year after this show, i wanted to save it for then. Any first hand use with P-GH?? A little skeptical but already have it here and ready to go, i fiugre it wont hurt to try it.

    Please, crituqe away fellas, starting everything to day but theres always time to change things around!

    Thanks in advance to all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i cant mention on P-GH or IGF but the cycle looks ok, hard to read lol

    u mean 5-10 when u say 10-5 i presume?

    anyway why using M1T (ph) too?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    free crack giveaway
    I understand what he is saying, but why run Test E for the first 5 weeks - why not just drop that and up the Prop to like 125-150mg ED seeing how your Tren is 125mg ED? Also, run 10mg Nolva ED + 1.25mg Femara EOD and you will be nice and dry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by dieselatc
    I understand what he is saying, but why run Test E for the first 5 weeks - why not just drop that and up the Prop to like 125-150mg ED seeing how your Tren is 125mg ED? Also, run 10mg Nolva ED + 1.25mg Femara EOD and you will be nice and dry.
    Only reason i was going to run test E until 5 weeks out is that i ahve already been on it for 16 weeks now... i was just going to use up the rest of what i have. Good point though. Might just drop it now.

    So you think 20mgED of Nolva would be overkill?

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