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Thread: Am i too young?

  1. #1

    Am i too young?

    Im 19, but i have done a cycle of deca.Am I too young to do a cycle of test-e and deca? i know that by introducing test into my system my natural test stops being made. I want to know if this is permanent, temporary or if it only happens without PCT. will my test naturally start producing at the same level as before? thanks for the input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    kinda late to ask this question if you've already done a deca only cycle(which must have been fun). Your test will go back to normal with prop pct, but it will stop your growth and could goof up other things, which you might have already done with the deca cycle. To answer you've already done it, might as well get all your sh*t together and research then try it again with more knowledge.
    Good luck ta ya bro

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    It stops when you introduce deca into your system as well. Your natural test level will come back when you are finished with your cycle. It will come back faster with proper PCT. Search for some of my posts about my test level and sex drive. I did my first cycle when i was 19 which was deca. then i did a test e/eq cycle when i was 20. Now i am 21. So i am in the same boat as you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Push a LOT harder, you'll find out that you dont need any gear... Your body is basically making its own ALL THE TIME!!!!

    AND... Who convinced you that a deca cycle was a good one? I'd go back and slap them in the face...

    To asnwer your question....

    Yes you are too young...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    once u start you'll never wanna stop. im 19 too. if you still wanna do aas u just need to research it. almost all aas stop your own natural test production (even var). many say you are too young but if your going to do it anyways u may as well know what u are doing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by BlocRoc
    Push a LOT harder, you'll find out that you dont need any gear... Your body is basically making its own ALL THE TIME!!!!

    AND... Who convinced you that a deca cycle was a good one? I'd go back and slap them in the face...

    To asnwer your question....

    Yes you are too young...

    There are so many steroid websites that have newbie cycles that post deca only cycles. That is where i got the idea which seems so long ago.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by BlocRoc
    Push a LOT harder, you'll find out that you dont need any gear... Your body is basically making its own ALL THE TIME!!!!

    AND... Who convinced you that a deca cycle was a good one? I'd go back and slap them in the face...

    To asnwer your question....

    Yes you are too young...


    TRUE!!! beat the piss out of em' i have to know something, did your little fella work good? also how long did you run the answer your question, yes you are too young i would wait till you are around 22yrs old.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    I will agree you are too young as well. Which means i am also too young. If i could only go back in time. I would be 17 driving around in my first car not even thinking about roids.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    cozy little Ghetto in PA
    Could not have said it better myself

    Quote Originally Posted by BlocRoc
    Push a LOT harder, you'll find out that you dont need any gear... Your body is basically making its own ALL THE TIME!!!!

    AND... Who convinced you that a deca cycle was a good one? I'd go back and slap them in the face...

    To asnwer your question....

    Yes you are too young...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Probably @ work
    I would wait until you are 21-25 to go again bro. You are at the peak of your natty test production, see what you can accomplish naturally with a good diet and hard work. JMO. Good luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    I commony hear that Deca will shut you down hard. However, from what i have read from these sources to name a few. Deca doesn't completely shut down your HTPA. This why you might commonly hear of people going through a DECA only cycle without complete loss of Libido (I have a deep dark secret. I did a Deca only in High School that only 1 other person knew about til now).

    A Deca only cycle was not a good idea, but as you were very young it probably was better than doing a Test/Deca combo because a combo like that would have nearly completely shut down your HTPA. Dont do a Deca only again (it is a bad idea because although endongenous Test production is not completely shut down, your body needs test to function properly). You need to wait and research a whole lot before getting back on a cycle.

    The issue of nandrolone having such profound progesterone effects is a bit overplayed for some reason that I cannot grasp. For periods of only 4 weeks and at dosages of up to 400mg weekly, the actual progestin effect is not really of concern. Though it should be noted that the HPTA will not supply adequate testosterone (and subsequently DHT) to support a healthy libido beyond that point. And the estrogenic value is far less for nor-estrogens as a whole. As example is the effect upon HPTA function. LH and FSH are the determining factors for HPTA function itself. For this reason we can determine the degree of HPTA function inhibition that occurs as a result of the administration of different AAS. Novices that had normal LH/FSH levels prior to nandrolone administration showed an average decrease in LH/FSH of only about 33% at day 21 and 39% at day 28. Additionally at day 42 (2 weeks after discontinuance) LH/FSH level were only suppress an average of 21% thus showing a positive rebound effect. In comparison testosterone administration for the same period results in an addition decrease in LH/FSH of about 12% (bodyfat levels can have a profound effect upon this).

    Interesting is that after a maximum of 28 days of nandrolone decanoate administration, at a dosage of 200-400mg/w, there is about a 40-50% average decrease in HPTA activity and its markers (FSH, LH and LHRH). But when testosterone cypionate is employed alone, 28 days of administration results in near total HPTA shut-down.

    P.S. Insight form the Vets would be nice. Im not particulary interested in the Parroted replies floated around the forums because if you go to most forums you may hear advice contrary to what I have written. Contradictions welcomed with happy bannanas

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