Hey, I'm 6'1 170lbs 5-10% body fat and 22 y/o if that helps any. I have been working out hard for the past 8-1/2 months. I've put on a solid 15-20lbs of muscle during this time. I used Winstrol pills during my 4nd month of training and added maybe 5lbs with winny alone at about 10mg a day.
I'm probably no where near my genetic potential yet, since i've only lifted for 8months. So I'm looking for a safe and effective way to reach this potential in less time. I've looked over a few anabolic options, but from my research Sustenon 250 offers the safest and most effective path. I dont want to stack it with anything since this is my first injection cycle, but I have come to realize I will need Clomid.
So here is what I have planned. 5 weeks of 250mg sustenon injections every monday until completion. On the 5th week I would begin taking Clomid at 25mg a day to get my nutts working again. I would continue the Clomid for 2-1/2 weeks (that gives me a week and a half of it off cycle) I would hope to pick up 10lbs or so from this cycle. I plan on living at the gym.
I realize this is probably a cycle your grandma could handle, but I'm new to this and want to see how I react. SO now for the questions!
Am I in great danger of growing Bitch Tits or having other problems from this cycle?
I plan on living in a squat rack during this cycle, so can I achieve solid gains? And will they hold up? (Don't want to waste my time and money to just deflate a month later)
Anyone have suggestions or comments on how to make this a better cycle? I'm not really intested in adding D-bol or Winny W/ the cycle. I wanna remain somewhat conservative, but I'm open to all advice.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Email me or post replies on here. [email protected]