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Thread: I've done my H/W. Now I need your Help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    I've done my H/W. Now I need your Help!

    Hey, I'm 6'1 170lbs 5-10% body fat and 22 y/o if that helps any. I have been working out hard for the past 8-1/2 months. I've put on a solid 15-20lbs of muscle during this time. I used Winstrol pills during my 4nd month of training and added maybe 5lbs with winny alone at about 10mg a day.

    I'm probably no where near my genetic potential yet, since i've only lifted for 8months. So I'm looking for a safe and effective way to reach this potential in less time. I've looked over a few anabolic options, but from my research Sustenon 250 offers the safest and most effective path. I dont want to stack it with anything since this is my first injection cycle, but I have come to realize I will need Clomid.

    So here is what I have planned. 5 weeks of 250mg sustenon injections every monday until completion. On the 5th week I would begin taking Clomid at 25mg a day to get my nutts working again. I would continue the Clomid for 2-1/2 weeks (that gives me a week and a half of it off cycle) I would hope to pick up 10lbs or so from this cycle. I plan on living at the gym.

    I realize this is probably a cycle your grandma could handle, but I'm new to this and want to see how I react. SO now for the questions!

    Am I in great danger of growing Bitch Tits or having other problems from this cycle?

    I plan on living in a squat rack during this cycle, so can I achieve solid gains? And will they hold up? (Don't want to waste my time and money to just deflate a month later)

    Anyone have suggestions or comments on how to make this a better cycle? I'm not really intested in adding D-bol or Winny W/ the cycle. I wanna remain somewhat conservative, but I'm open to all advice.
    Thanks for any help you can give me!
    Email me or post replies on here. [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd train naturaly longer, but if your going to juice do sust for atleast 8 weeks. but i really think you should stay natural for a bit longer.

    But again, if u dont care and wanna start

    do sust 500mgs/week for 10 weeks
    deca 400mgs/week for 10 weeks

    and if u want dbol 30mgs/day for first 4 weeks

    5 weeks of sust will get u hardly anything compard to atleast 8

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    If you gained 5 lb on 10 mg of winny, you are still producing much test naturally....Because winny won't have that affect at 10 mg...Just train harder naturally....Whatch the diet and get to the point where you can say you lay the foundation...At 8 month of training, you can do more...This way you'll reach your potential...AS later perhaps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    you may want to have nolvadex and proviron on hand as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Rocky Mountain High!

    Re: I've done my H/W. Now I need your Help!

    Originally posted by mike j
    I'm probably no where near my genetic potential yet, since i've only lifted for 8months.

    You shouldn't be using gear. PERIOD. You have SOOO much gaining to do naturally bro, don't fuck it up by taking steroids now. God there is so much to learn-- diet, training, etc, etc...

    OK I'll get off my soapbox.

    250 mg of sus won't do very much good, if any. That is no more than a replacement therapy amount; just enough to shut down your HPTA, and screw with it for awhile afterwards. And 5 weeks is definitely NOT long enough. 5 weeks is just enough time for the longer acting esters to start working their magic. Really, bro, you need to think this over again.

    *note: I'm not saying that I think you should be all the way at your genetic potential before you start. Some people never reach it. I'm just saying that you need some more experience with the iron before you mess with your body like this.
    Last edited by coroner; 02-22-2002 at 04:30 PM.

  6. #6
    Everyone hit it on the spot here. Bro you've only been training for 8 months. I trained for a few years and I still regret doing my first cycle that early. I was 21 at the time. I was 5'7" and weighed in at about...185. I think that was the most I weighed naturally. Now I'm 210-215 depending on the day lol. But definitely stay as natural as you can brother, you'll thanks us bro's at the end. You were only using 10 mg of winny a day, the least I've heard was 50 mg a day. So you still have a lot of natural growing to do

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