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Thread: Best way to avoid water retention?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York

    Best way to avoid water retention?

    I am about to start a new cycle:

    Wks 1-15: Test Enan 500mg/Wk
    Wks 1-12: Equipoise 600mg/Wk
    Wks 1-9: Test Prop 100mg/ED
    Wks 1-10 Fina 75-100mg/ED
    Wks 8-15: Winstrol 50mg/ED
    Nolva: 10-20mg/ED
    Letrozole: .25mL/ED

    Should I worry about water retention? And if so... Arimidex? What else? This is the first time I will be taking test enan and I've read it can cause some serious water retention.

    Let me know bros, and any other opinions on the cycle are welcome, any and all help is needed.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    femara 1.25 EOD

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    femara 1.25 EOD

    agreed.. though aromasin tends to be less harsh and for most people is a better option-- though most sites have stopped carrying it.. probably because average dose is 25mg and 100,000 doses of letro powder is 250g as opposed to 2.5kg for aromasin.. thuse much easier to import (under the radar so to speak)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    You already have Letro listed there so you should be good to go...Be careful though, because I heard Letro can do a number on your libido...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    im using proviron for water retention right now... along with 10 mgs nolva daily.

    just make sure to drink plenty of water too.

    letro will work fine bro...

  6. #6
    Yeah letrozole is some strong **** I dont know what else you could throw in, Nolva wouldnt too much good on top of 1.25mg of letrozole, if 1.25 mg of letrozole cant stop it nothing will.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    So I should be set with just the Letro?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    letro, dandalion root tea, green T, caffine and clen at 40 mgs with taurine. 2 gallons of distilled water with lemon juice.

    I used this combo with anadrol and held no water, just added lean ripped muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Is it leaf or root of the dandelion that works as a natural diuretic? I was under the impression that it was the leaf and have been in the hunt for a dosage of the leaf to use.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Root works but I found the best was the tea, you can buy it at Vit shoppe cheap and sip it all day.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Supervet
    letro, dandalion root tea, green T, caffine and clen at 40 mgs with taurine. 2 gallons of distilled water with lemon juice.

    I used this combo with anadrol and held no water, just added lean ripped muscle.

    ****... that's quite the list... gains still good?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LAGMuXle
    ****... that's quite the list... gains still good?

    I have never been a guy who likes to put on 20 pounds. First I have been on for two years plus, second I always stay 7-10 percent BF. So I can hit 2 months of heavy gear (I usally go a gram a week of three things) put on 6 solid pounds and then coast for 2 months of just 200 mgs of test a week. I just hate not having abs and my face is prone to get bloated quickly if I don't shut down estrogen.

    I have used leterzole for a year strait. I also take like 100 health supps a day.

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