i am on a eq/test cycle right now and my head is itching a whole bunch. anybody know why? could this mean my hair is going to fall out?
i am on a eq/test cycle right now and my head is itching a whole bunch. anybody know why? could this mean my hair is going to fall out?
itchy scalp is a sure sign of dht conversion in the scalp I get it alot on dbol try taking some saw palmetto( not sure of the dose) or proscar(finestride) 1-1.25mg per day to stop the conversion to dht in the scalp apart from that yes u might start to lose hair and sometimes the above meds dont work they do nothing for me but some people have good results it depends how prone u r to mpb and if its in ur genes
Bro i suggest u to use nizoral every day. It is great for hairloss! Also proscar is good too.
leave Nizoral shampoo for ur scalp for at least 5 mins and then washout. It washes DHT from scalp.
its funny cause i woke up this morning to my head itching like crazy, im on test/dbol cycle.
Did you try washing your hair? Sometimes after a week or 2 of not washing I notice that as well...j/k...Try what OJ said, proscar has helped some of my friends...
Currently on EQ/Sust i got the same itch bro. I got some Nizoral 2% and evrything is just fine you can also use some "Finesteride" or "Propecia" and take some "Saw Plametto".
Try the dht blockers and nizoral or you can Be like coleman and shave your head and juice and juice! If you are prone to baldness then most likely you will get bald on juice.
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