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Thread: Help made a mistake

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Help made a mistake

    I forgot to asperate today when shooting eq into my glute. Something didn't seem right so I remembered I didn't asperate and I did right then. A ton of blood went into the needle. I got disey and started to cough, this was about 10 minutes ago. I feel fine now.
    Do I have any worries? Should I go to the doctor. I hate to go to the doctor for this and catch a lot of ****.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjohnr
    I forgot to asperate today when shooting eq into my glute. Something didn't seem right so I remembered I didn't asperate and I did right then. A ton of blood went into the needle. I got disey and started to cough, this was about 10 minutes ago. I feel fine now.
    Do I have any worries? Should I go to the doctor. I hate to go to the doctor for this and catch a lot of ****.
    well you are not dead so thats a start. yeah its possible some when into the vein. the coughing and dizziness was from that.. i bet you learned you lesson though didnt ya! lolol! dont forget next time or chances there there wouldnt be a next time after that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    no kidding hung-solo, I really did learn my lesson. I hope that am responding to this post later in the day. I will not make that mistake again. I was rushing and skiped an important step. I am very concerned, I hope this is only a learing experience and not a problem.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjohnr
    no kidding hung-solo, I really did learn my lesson. I hope that am responding to this post later in the day. I will not make that mistake again. I was rushing and skiped an important step. I am very concerned, I hope this is only a learing experience and not a problem.
    no i think you'll be fine. just remember to do it next time. i forgot once and i was as nervous as a pregnant nun!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    you will be fine.........lesson learned

  6. #6
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    Nothing to worry about, i think i've asperiated once in the last 10yrs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Thanks guys. That is funny hung -solo...."nervous as a pregnant nun" that is exactly how I feel.
    Thanks for the quick feedback, I feel much better!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ...You'll be fine...... undoubtedly you shot some oil into a vein which is not good but it takes quite a bit more than you shot to wipe you out.
    Just aspirate, Dammit!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    yes sir, duck of death, will aspirate.. BTW how are you making out with your HGH, test and hot young gym chick??? Enquiring minds want to know. I have been maried 21 years, I want to hear all about it.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Nothing to worry about, i think i've asperiated once in the last 10yrs.

    not a good thing to mentino bro. we try to teach the right way to do things around here. new bies might see this and wonder why should i asperate.

  11. #11
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    not a good thing to mentino bro. we try to teach the right way to do things around here. new bies might see this and wonder why should i asperate.
    Read about aspirateing in some med books (NEJM) and you'll ask yourself the same question.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Read about aspirateing in some med books (NEJM) and you'll ask yourself the same question.
    please explain a little further please to support your statement

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Read about aspirateing in some med books (NEJM) and you'll ask yourself the same question.

    i'm curious as to what your thoughts are on this as well. every PRN or RN or Doc that i have asked about injection techniques has said that aspirating is essential when doing any sort of IM injection. shooting 400 mgs + of test suspended in oil directly into vein is not something i'd care to try. therefore, i aspirate to make sure the hormone is going where it's supposed to, into my muscle.

    what scares me is the gear crashing out of solution and crystalizing while in my bloodstream. it seems like that would wreak havoc on my circulatory system.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by monstercojones
    i'm curious as to what your thoughts are on this as well. every PRN or RN or Doc that i have asked about injection techniques has said that aspirating is essential when doing any sort of IM injection. shooting 400 mgs + of test suspended in oil directly into vein is not something i'd care to try. therefore, i aspirate to make sure the hormone is going where it's supposed to, into my muscle.

    there is not reason not to aspirate. its not like it takes a long time or anything. i dont know about u but i liek to be safe. my blood isnt made up of oil, therefore i dont want it in a vein. i dont care if it took and extra minute, i would still do it ED. safety first my friend

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Always check for blood it only takes a second and not aspirating is just retarded if you ask me. sounds like you sliced a vien like the other bros said. just try to be a bit more careful next time and good luck on your cycle

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    Nothing to worry about, i think i've asperiated once in the last 10yrs.
    I still think thats NOT good advise at all. It's not hard to aspirate, it takes seconds, why not do it? Bad advise. I don't care what some of the books say, I'm going to continue to do it.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I still think thats NOT good advise at all. It's not hard to aspirate, it takes seconds, why not do it? Bad advise. I don't care what some of the books say, I'm going to continue to do it.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by monstercojones
    i'm curious as to what your thoughts are on this as well. every PRN or RN or Doc that i have asked about injection techniques has said that aspirating is essential when doing any sort of IM injection. shooting 400 mgs + of test suspended in oil directly into vein is not something i'd care to try. therefore, i aspirate to make sure the hormone is going where it's supposed to, into my muscle.

    what scares me is the gear crashing out of solution and crystalizing while in my bloodstream. it seems like that would wreak havoc on my circulatory system.
    Read in The New England Journal Of Medicine on the overall concencess of aspirating according to doctors(not me). It is "not necessary" and deamed a "out dated and fundamentally flawed practice" And every time i (or anyone i know)have ever had a shot given no nurse or doc has EVER aspirated! Now the chances of shooting directly in a vein without intentionally doing so are incredibly high(and i mean more than a cc or so)! Now i'm not saying not to aspirate, if it makes you more comfortable and feel safer than fine but please don't say it's a absolute must or else! There just isn't the medical backing of the practice.

  19. #19
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    every doc i konw who has given me shots and other doctor i have tqalk to about shots aspirate... i wonder what would happen if i told them hey dont aspirate im willing to take a chance

  20. #20
    although i agree it only takes a second to do i work ata hospital and see them injecting people while i hold them down all the time and not once have they aspirated and everything goes just fine but still why risk it

  21. #21
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    [QUOTE=buylongterm]I still think thats NOT good advise at all. It's not hard to aspirate, it takes seconds, why not do it? Bad advise. I don't care what some of the books say, I'm going to continue to do it.[/QUOT

    Fine do what makes you feel better and aspirate but please don't say it's a must, after 10+yrs of being on cycles and hundreds of shots(and i mean that literally) i haven't had any probs and neither have a lot of ppl i know that do the same. In fact i have not heard or read of anyone that has ever had complications from im injections where as some oil has gotten into a vein. And as for not being hard to aspirate will someone please show me a VIDEO of someone aspirateing a lat or trap shot and the person has to have only TWO arms!!!!
    Last edited by righton; 07-30-2004 at 09:00 AM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    I still think thats NOT good advise at all. It's not hard to aspirate, it takes seconds, why not do it? Bad advise. I don't care what some of the books say, I'm going to continue to do it.[/QUOT

    Fine do what makes you feel better and aspirate but please don't say it's a must, after 10+yrs of being on cycles and hundreds of shots(and i mean that literally) i haven't had any probs and neither have a lot of ppl i know that do the same. In fact i have not heard or read of anyone that has ever had complications from im injections where as some oil has gotten into a vein. And as for not being hard to aspirate will someone please show me a VIDEO of someone aspirateing a lat or trap shot and the person has to have only TWO arms!!!!
    Bro, to each his own. My point is this. We have a responsibility to the new members of the board. And because of that, we need to give them the best advise we can. So, even though you have never had any issues, it's still best to teach the newbies to do it. It's safe, and again, doesn't take a lot of time.

    Also, when is the last time any of us when to the Dr. and got an 1" 1/2 needle stuck into us??? I'm on HRT shots from my dr. and he always aspirates....

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Also, when is the last time any of us when to the Dr. and got an 1" 1/2 needle stuck into us??? I'm on HRT shots from my dr. and he always aspirates....

    i was on HRt and my doc or the nurses always aspirated. and they drilled it into my head when i was gone and they wanted me to do a shot on my own.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Bro, to each his own. My point is this. We have a responsibility to the new members of the board. And because of that, we need to give them the best advise we can. So, even though you have never had any issues, it's still best to teach the newbies to do it. It's safe, and again, doesn't take a lot of time.

    Also, when is the last time any of us when to the Dr. and got an 1" 1/2 needle stuck into us??? I'm on HRT shots from my dr. and he always aspirates....
    I also get my meds (AS) from my doc (who BTW says the procedure is not necessary) but does not advocate NOT doing it(though he has not done it with me). As for the newbies, the best advice we(aside from our OPINIONS) can give them is to seek professional advice from a doc or two.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    I also get my meds (AS) from my doc (who BTW says the procedure is not necessary) but does not advocate NOT doing it(though he has not done it with me). As for the newbies, the best advice we(aside from our OPINIONS) can give them is to seek professional advice from a doc or two.
    True, but again, how many guys are going to ask their Dr. about injecting? Zero. Thats why they come to boards like this. But again, to each his own.



  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    True, but again, how many guys are going to ask their Dr. about injecting? Zero. Thats why they come to boards like this. But again, to each his own.


    They come to boards like this for to get info but whats to be said when that info is not correct! Sure its best to err on the side of safety but it's not right to have that misinformation taken as gospel and have it wrongly compounded down the line without it being correctly explained. Done.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    They come to boards like this for to get info but whats to be said when that info is not correct! Sure its best to err on the side of safety but it's not right to have that misinformation taken as gospel and have it wrongly compounded down the line without it being correctly explained. Done.
    Very true, thats why it's up to the individual to do their own research and take everything into account. Reading a few mesasges for a short time won't cut it. But, again, we are arguing about something that does more good than harm and takes seconds to do. Only good could come out of it and its still a safe practice. I still don't see why someone wouldn't? If your telling me that its safer not to do it and safer to accidently inject in a vein (yes, it's happened to a lot of bro's) then you need to show us a study on the benefits of that.



  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Very true, thats why it's up to the individual to do their own research and take everything into account. Reading a few mesasges for a short time won't cut it. But, again, we are arguing about something that does more good than harm and takes seconds to do. Only good could come out of it and its still a safe practice. I still don't see why someone wouldn't? If your telling me that its safer not to do it and safer to accidently inject in a vein (yes, it's happened to a lot of bro's) then you need to show us a study on the benefits of that.


    I have injected into veins numerous times and i'm not saying that there is any benefit to it but it is not life threatening in anyway. And as for why someone would'nt show me a video of someone aspirateing a lat or trap shot, cause theres no way i can do it myself without potentially breaking the needle from the awkward postion.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Very true, thats why it's up to the individual to do their own research and take everything into account. Reading a few mesasges for a short time won't cut it. But, again, we are arguing about something that does more good than harm and takes seconds to do. Only good could come out of it and its still a safe practice. I still don't see why someone wouldn't? If your telling me that its safer not to do it and safer to accidently inject in a vein (yes, it's happened to a lot of bro's) then you need to show us a study on the benefits of that.
    I donno, I've given hundreds of self injections and I aspirate everytime and never once found a vein... I think this is why I like doing my quads... just had good luck there.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    I donno, I've given hundreds of self injections and I aspirate everytime and never once found a vein... I think this is why I like doing my quads... just had good luck there.
    Me too. I also have done hundreds of injections (mostly quads) and I think I've hit one a couple of times. But all I'm saying is this. All new guys aren't always going to inject in quads. We have no idea where they will be injecting. So my point is it's better to be safe than sorry. Will someone die if they inject in a vein? hmmm most likely NOT. Will someone die if they inject a small amount of air into a vien? Nope. But, are we going to tell everyone they don't have to get out all the air bubbles out of the syringe? nope. All I'm saying is it's better, quick and a safe practice. But, as many guys who have injected into a vein, It's no fun having your body try and reject it by coughing for several minutes...

  31. #31
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    Carlos told me how to check for the vein and im
    glad cause I was gonna inject without doing it.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by buylongterm
    Me too. I also have done hundreds of injections (mostly quads) and I think I've hit one a couple of times. But all I'm saying is this. All new guys aren't always going to inject in quads. We have no idea where they will be injecting. So my point is it's better to be safe than sorry. Will someone die if they inject in a vein? hmmm most likely NOT. Will someone die if they inject a small amount of air into a vien? Nope. But, are we going to tell everyone they don't have to get out all the air bubbles out of the syringe? nope. All I'm saying is it's better, quick and a safe practice. But, as many guys who have injected into a vein, It's no fun having your body try and reject it by coughing for several minutes...
    tell me something longterm, i injected in my quad with test e and could not walk for like 3 days. is it different with different people or you just have to get used to it?

  33. #33
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    Haha, i was a limpin gimp too bro my first shot, hurt to move it. my legs got used to it i guess, now i dont feel a thing the next day. ive only shot 6 times. but ive hit a nerve once for sure cause i aspirated, and i pulled out last night cause i could feel it hit a nerve again.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    tell me something longterm, i injected in my quad with test e and could not walk for like 3 days. is it different with different people or you just have to get used to it?
    I think everyone is different! I never get pain from Test E, and I barely got any pain from Prop. I think it all comes down to what gear u use, Who makes it, and what technique you use. I for example take my time. I inject very slow and massage the hell out of it. It's been that way through all my cycles and I have tried several different companies.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by righton
    I have injected into veins numerous times and i'm not saying that there is any benefit to it but it is not life threatening in anyway. And as for why someone would'nt show me a video of someone aspirateing a lat or trap shot, cause theres no way i can do it myself without potentially breaking the needle from the awkward postion.

    are u kidding me bro? post a study that says oil in your vein wont harm u? i bet i can find some that says it will alot quicker than u can find yours. i can do traps and lats all by myself. it isnt hard. go to and look at lats, it shows the guy doing it himself. BLT is right, it does no harm to aspirate, so why not do it? u that short on time or just that plain dumb?

  36. #36
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    I never aspirate in delts or glutes, only quads, those areas don't have many veins or nerves in them (according to circulatory and central nervous system charts)

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigPoppaV
    I never aspirate in delts or glutes, only quads, those areas don't have many veins or nerves in them (according to circulatory and central nervous system charts)
    Nice arms bro!!!! Looking great!

  38. #38
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    Here's a small pic btw
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	circ-small.jpg 
Views:	120 
Size:	37.7 KB 
ID:	37314  

  39. #39

    Angry Pain Question...

    Hey guys..... Newbie here. I have taken the advice of many threads posted here on AR, and wouldn't have even attempted my first cycle without lots of reasearch and hours of reading some very informed threads on AR. I appreciate it more than you guys will ever know.

    So let me throw a quick question at ya. For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing some aggravating pain and soreness in my left forearm. (Specifically between the bone and muscle about midway up the forearm) The pain is at it's worst when doing skull crushers & any type of bicep curls. Short of taking a break from lifting, can you guys suggest any thing that might help alleviate the pain during a workout, or to speed up the healing process???

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by pujols99
    Hey guys..... Newbie here. I have taken the advice of many threads posted here on AR, and wouldn't have even attempted my first cycle without lots of reasearch and hours of reading some very informed threads on AR. I appreciate it more than you guys will ever know.

    So let me throw a quick question at ya. For the past couple of weeks I have been experiencing some aggravating pain and soreness in my left forearm. (Specifically between the bone and muscle about midway up the forearm) The pain is at it's worst when doing skull crushers & any type of bicep curls. Short of taking a break from lifting, can you guys suggest any thing that might help alleviate the pain during a workout, or to speed up the healing process???

    hey bro dont hijack this thread. start a new one if u want your question answered.

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