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Thread: Back pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Back pain

    Today was my leg day, as usual i used cardio warmup and went off to begin squating. For my first two warmup sets i put 60 kg and all was good, then when i put 100 kg i took the barbel of the rack and before my first repetition felt sharp pain in my lower back more on the left side, it was so painfull i had to return the weight back on the rack. I dont know what could be the cause of this, allthough i was doing very heavy deadlifts (220kg) and squats (200kg) for the last 3 weeks so it could be that im stressing my back too mutch lately.
    I dont use the belt except for max reps. At the moment im on a cycle (sustanon/deca/d-bol), having painfull backpumps and i dont know if they could have annything to do with this !

    Thanks in advance for anny replies and sorry for my english

  2. #2
    Here's some advice from a chiropractor.............Sounds like you might have locked up your sacro-iliac (SI) joint on your left side. It can stay like that for a while.....

    Best thing to do is get an adjustment to get the joint to release.......wet heat, motrin and stretching will help somewhat........but if the joint is locked up it needs to be released.....and this will only happen with an adjustment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    WOW i did the same exact thing to myself 2 days ago...doing squates heavy on the smith machine, last set i felt a SHARP jolting pain dig into my lower back.

    waited a few minutes, seemed to be cool and went and did shrugs (bad idea probably)...then at the end of shrugs on my heavy set i felt it i left the gym and it has proggressively gotten stiffer and tighter since, where i can barely bend my lower back without pain and getting up and down like an old frail man this sux

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    calgary alberta
    it might have to do with your split how close are you training your legs to your deads, if you dont let your back fully recover inbetween these two days you can injure yourself really bad

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Thanks for the advice newaza, i will trie to get an appointment at chiropractors.
    Im doing a 6 day split, deadlifting on monday and squating on friday.

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