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Thread: Sticking Point. Need Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California

    Sticking Point. Need Help

    Hey Bro's. Glad to be back on the board. Didn't realize how much I missed it until it wasn't there. Thanks Jason for everything. Need some help. I've been taking Test200(Tornel) for over four months. For the last two weeks I've added Tornel EQ 50mg/ml. The dosages for the test have been around 400-600mg per week, and the EQ is 300-400mg per week. I seem to have reached a sticking point though. Before I started the Test I weighed about 210 and could bench 300. Now I'm 237 and can bench 420. But I've been stuck at around 235 and 420 for the last month. Should I increase the doses of AS or change my workout routine. The diet is ok, not great, but it worked well enough to make the gains I did. I'm hoping I haven't oversaturated my receptors for AS by being on Test so long. Softball season is coming up so I really want to get up to around 245 and bench 450. The body fat is still high, 16-20%, but thats not real important to me at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by FRANK WHITE; 02-26-2002 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Frankie...if I were you I would switch my entire training regime...every single exercise. Just mix things up and confuse the body...completely. Also play with your protein, carb , fat ratios as well as your calories. Keep the body changing and not give it a chance to build a tolerence to any of the stresses you are putting on it. Just my .02....but give it a shot for a month and see what happens
    Good luck big man.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    Thanks Big Pete and SK for your replies. Sk, I know your right bro, I have been on test for to long. But I've decided to proceed with things at least for several more months. Thank you for the comments though brother, I appreciate the concern. You would have to understand my obsession with hitting a softball 500ft. to understand why I'm taking these chances. Peace and be Safe.

    Big Pete, thanks brother. That sounds like some very sound advice. I will start to change my routine to confuse my body and see what happens. Its so easy to fall into the same workout routine. It becomes almost second nature. I've gotten so stagnant that I do everything in a certain order the same way all the time.This will be challenging to develop a whole new regimine and diet but I think I can do it if I'm disciplined enough. I'm gonna give it a shot. Thanks again for your help my Iron Brother. Peace and be Safe.
    Last edited by FRANK WHITE; 02-26-2002 at 10:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    your steroid receptors are soaked w/ juice bro. been too long. you can either stop the juice and let your receptors clear up or you can up the dosages to 1 gm a week of test. you said 400 - 600 of test. bump it up all 600mg or increase it 800mg a week. you will feel teh differnce. and you will be stronger and you will hit that soft ball 500ft!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    Originally posted by sk*
    ok well i don't really suggest this but if you must do it then here goes ...

    in terms of gear, try hitting the androgen receptors and run something like dbol, you will see the difference fast

    in terms of working out, pete may have it spot on, what does your workout routine look like? many people find the max-ot style workout is great for breaking barriers, i know it worked for me
    Shredder, thanks for the feedback bro. Will definetely keep that in mind. Whatever it takes. Dbol? It has crossed my mind SK. I'd like to know more about your max-ot workout.

    This is my normal workout routine.

    Day 1: Chest and Tri's

    Chest: Flat Bench, 4sets 6-8reps. Incline Bench Same sets and Reps. Flat flies;Same sets and reps.

    Triceps; Cable pulldowns. 4sets 8-10reps. skullcrushers with curl bar. Same sets and reps.

    Day 2: Back and Biceps;

    Back: Lat pulldown. 4 sets(6-8reps). One arm rows. Same sets and reps. Lat pulls on machine where pad is on your chest and you pull weight towards you.

    Biceps: Preacher Curls on bench. 4sets(8-10reps)
    One arm dumbell curls 60-75lb bells.
    Side bicep cable pulls. 4 sets(6-10reps)

    Day 3: Legs and Shoulders.

    Squats. 4 sets(6-8reps) Legpress. Deadlifts. Bentleg and straightleg. Sitting Calf machine. Quad and hamstring extensions.
    All are 4 sets(6-10reps)

    Shoulders: Freeweight shoulder press. Dumbell extensions, front side and bent over. All are 4 sets(6-8reps)

    Day 4: Repeat Day 1

    Day 5 Repeat Day 2

    Day 6 Repeat Day 3

    Day 7 Repeat Day 1

    Usually take at least one or two days off during week because can't make it to gym. Do abs everyday and forearms, neck, and shrugs every other day. Before workout do cardio on stairmaster for five minutes for warmup.
    Last edited by FRANK WHITE; 02-26-2002 at 12:20 PM.

  6. #6
    hey bro long time man nice to hear from you,
    and nice results frank, you and test are made
    for each other...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    What's happening Frankie?

    Just a couple thoughts.

    That is a long time to be on test. You might want to try something different for a while. Maybe Deca & D-bol.

    Try taking clomid. A lot of guys get a boost by doing this in the middle of a cycle. Your balls will probably thank you anyway.

    Are you eating enough? Have you increased your calories and protein as you have added size and strength? If not, you may just need to feed your muscles more to get more growth.

    Also, as Pete said it is a good idea to change your workouts up and shock your body!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    REM, Whats up Bro. Good to hear from you to my brother. Hope all is well in life and lifting. Having a little problemo here but with the help of the Bro's looks like its gonna be ok. Take Care and Be Safe. And don't be such a stranger.LOL

    SB, Wassssss Up Big Man. Man that arm still scares me a little.LOL. Thanks for the advice on clomid and maybe not eating enough. Also, good point about maybe time to switch AS's all together. I think I'm gonna try what you agreed on and change up my workout like Big Petey said. A few more weeks until Softball season starts. Gotta hit that one 500ft before having to hit the grind in L.A. When you gonna come out west and check out the babes in bikinis? There all just waiting to be _________
    romanced. LOL Hope you decide to come check things out. Good to hear from you bro. What are you up to these days as far as working out.?Going for more size or more cuts? I can't wait for summer to get here. Talk to ya soon. Take Care and Be Safe.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    On a beach in California
    SK, Thanks Bro. I delved into the site briefly and it looks pretty interesting. I'm gonna check it out in more detail tomorrow.

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