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Thread: Enan or Suspension

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head

    Enan or Suspension

    Hey bros whats up. Sorry I have been away from the board for a little while, butr I was caught up with the cross country move and all. But all is back to normal so I am back. My next cycle is not for another 3 months so I am getting ALL my gear NOW, but since I have been researching I have another question for you guys.

    I was planning on running Test Enan at 1.5g per week right, but now I am considering running suspension instead.

    What I want to know if what you guys like and think. Experience wise using them and all.

    I can post my proposed cycle if needed, but the only thing I am considering changing is the enan to suspension.

    Oh, and I honestly dont mind the injections 2X / day if it will yield the desired results.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    suspension u would have to take more frequent shots i never liked it i always get great results with test e

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Why the sudden change from a long ester to the shortest ester going? changed your mind about bulking to cutting? I've never been a fan of suspension, even when it's "suspended" in oil...why not go with prop or do test E ED, i'm running test E and deca with prop ED at 100mg/100mg/50mg and luvin it...I Honestly think you'll grow tired of suspension rather quickly, i know i don't plan on doing suspension any more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    Why the sudden change from a long ester to the shortest ester going? changed your mind about bulking to cutting? I've never been a fan of suspension, even when it's "suspended" in oil...why not go with prop or do test E ED, i'm running test E and deca with prop ED at 100mg/100mg/50mg and luvin it...I Honestly think you'll grow tired of suspension rather quickly, i know i don't plan on doing suspension any more.
    Thanks bro... havent changed my mind yet, just kicking the idea around. I was basically going to run the same cycle as you, with dbol at the end to finish up say weeks 9-12. Are you running yours at 12 weeks e, 10 weeks deca, and 14 weeks prop?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by Tryin2getHUGE
    Thanks bro... havent changed my mind yet, just kicking the idea around. I was basically going to run the same cycle as you, with dbol at the end to finish up say weeks 9-12. Are you running yours at 12 weeks e, 10 weeks deca, and 14 weeks prop?
    I'm probably going to run the test E and deca till week 10 or 12, then continue with some prop for 3 more weeks, i'm also taking 30mgs/day of d-bol for the first 4 weeks and i'll probably throw in the winny at week 10??? Did i mention i'm up almost 10lbs this week already, while eating clean? whoa!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Where I lay my head
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    I'm probably going to run the test E and deca till week 10 or 12, then continue with some prop for 3 more weeks, i'm also taking 30mgs/day of d-bol for the first 4 weeks and i'll probably throw in the winny at week 10??? Did i mention i'm up almost 10lbs this week already, while eating clean? whoa!
    Thats awesome bro, with the weight increase and all. I was thnking of running just the prop at the beginning and the dbol at the end. Or, dbol at the beginning and prop at the end. I dont know. Im still a long ways away and getting feedback.

    Any other ideas or comments about suspension vs. enan?

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