Alright fella's I have a quick question that I would love some feedback on. I am currently nearing the end of week 5 on a cycle that looks like this:
Week 1-8 Test Prop 75mg ed
Week 1-4 Oral Winny 50mg ed
Week 5-8 Oral Winyny 100mg ed
I personally am not a big believer in the harshness of 17aa on the liver, agree or disagree I simply feel that the sides are somewhat over-exaggerated and to boot, I dont drink, ever, and I drink 2-3 gallons of water ed. Anyway My question is this, I will be jumping on PCT very shortly and I wanted to run a bridge of Anavar into my next cycle. I was thinking something like 40 mg ed untill I my Time on = Time off and my blood levels are checked and ready to goWhat are your thoughts on this idea? I know some guys on here like to bridge, also can I run the var through pct? I dont think it affects the HPTA so I would THINK it would be okay in terms od inhibiting recovery. Thanks again fella's any and all comments and feedback is much appreciated!