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Thread: Clomid Vs Nolvadex on cycle

  1. #1

    Clomid Vs Nolvadex on cycle

    On the steroid effectivness chart on the main page of this website, it lists clomid as having stronger anti-estrogen properties than nolvadex. Is it better to use clomid during cycle to prevent gyno? And if so what dosage should be used?
    Last edited by animalpower; 08-04-2004 at 08:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by animalpower
    On the steroid effectivness chart on the main page of this website, it lists clomid as having stronger anti-estrogen properties than nolvadex. is this correct? Can you use clomid during cycle to prevent gyno? And if so what dosage should be used?
    no no no dude, clomid and nolva are used for TOTALLY different reasons. Dont go by that steroid effectiveness page, read the forums here, especially the educational threads. To summerize, tho most other guys on there can do it ridiculously better than me... nolva is used as a competittor for estrogen recpetor cites, therefor limiting the amount of estrogen in the body. Clomid is used for hpta recovery... bringing ur test levels back up to par after a cycle.

    Did i say that right guys? lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by animalpower
    On the steroid effectivness chart on the main page of this website, it lists clomid as having stronger anti-estrogen properties than nolvadex. Is it better to use clomid during cycle to prevent gyno? And if so what dosage should be used?
    Nolva,L-dex or femera during cycle, clomid, nolva, L-dex for PCT. Read this it will explain it all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Jungle
    What it all comes down to is do a search in this forum and you find HUNDREDS of threads about it explaining it better than me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Tribex
    no no no dude, clomid and nolva are used for TOTALLY different reasons. Dont go by that steroid effectiveness page, read the forums here, especially the educational threads. To summerize, tho most other guys on there can do it ridiculously better than me... nolva is used as a competittor for estrogen recpetor cites, therefor limiting the amount of estrogen in the body. Clomid is used for hpta recovery... bringing ur test levels back up to par after a cycle.

    Did i say that right guys? lol
    From my understanding nolva will not limit the amount of estrogen in your system, it will bind to receptors and block estrogen from attaching to the receptors. L-dex or femera will limit the amount of estrogen in your system

  6. #6
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    The Jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik
    From my understanding nolva will not limit the amount of estrogen in your system, it will bind to receptors and block estrogen from attaching to the receptors. L-dex or femera will limit the amount of estrogen in your system

    AHHHH yes, that is what i was trying to say! I knew that was coming out wrong! thankz kronik

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Some guys in my gym take clomid instead of nolvadex and it works fine for them . Take it at 50mg/day.

  8. #8
    Some guy in my gym do deca/dbol cycles.........

    Seriously..... lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Where I can find food.
    Quote Originally Posted by SaTyR
    Some guys in my gym take clomid instead of nolvadex and it works fine for them . Take it at 50mg/day.
    Nolva has a higher affinity for the receptors at the mammary, which is why it is preferable over clomid during cycle--gyno is what we are worried about right? It is best to do things most efficiently and nolva at 10mg ED for gyno and for improved lipid profiles is what is most efficient (at least until new research proves this wrong).

    Clomid is preferable over Nolva alone during PCT because it acts as an estrogen antagonists at receptors that are vital to allowing for restoration of HTPA. Just my .02

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