Originally Posted by
I know the general concensus is to add a little more test than Eq (or deca etc) in a cycle, but what do you reckon the minimum amount of test needed to be added to a cycle (of say Eq) is, just to maintain normal bodily function (not to add to growth etc)
For example in HRT you might use say 25mg of Test prop E2D
So assuming you have HPTA shut down on say 400mg Eq EW would 25 mg Test P
sort out your wang/libido probs
Put another way.....
I wanna do an Eq only cycle(500mg EW), but want to add an absolute minimum amount of Test E to keep my equipment running smoothly
Im sure everyone will say to add at least 500mg test, but why not just enough to keep everything ticking over?? (eg 200mg test EW)
Assuming Im not expecting any growth from the test.......