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Thread: Major headache!

  1. #1

    Major headache!

    Has anyone ever had this happen? 4 days ago i was benching and i had horrible cramp in the back of my neck. And my head started hurting and pounding for a few mins, i thought something major happened. I stopped my workout and ended up managing to finish it later that day. Now today 4 days later im benching again and i felt the same thing coming on. What the hell could this be? Im on pct week 3 100 mgs clomid everyday, and 20mgs nolv, and 25mgs provarion. Also im taking 20mgs of creatine everyday. I hope someone else has had this, its just like i get a migrain from benching,, am i trying to lift too much or what? Any advise would be great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    This is from lifting your head off of the bench most likely. At least that is what happened to me a while back. Also, it will happen on the leg press...feels like your neck is gonna burn off!!! lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round


    be sure to breathe bro while doing your sets. if you dont youll be sure to get headaches.

    >>pain is temporary, pride is forever

  4. #4
    I have thought of both of these, i make sure im not lifting my neck while benching and i have always made sure to breath. I cant even bench right now my head is hurting, could it be a sinus infection maybe? Anyways i hope this crap suck because i need my workouts!. i can do everthing but bench right now,, i think anyways. Later all im off to nail some advil and i hope it reduces the swelling of red blood cells some where in my head.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I would drop the poundages somewhat, Proviron at pct may be hampering your recovery too. Hopefully,its related to the PCT and not developing into a blood clot.. Keep a close eye on your condition ie. dizzyness, blurring vision ect..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quit bullshi**ing and go to the dam* doctor. See post: Death in the gym, good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Sin City
    first off, go get it checked.

    from personal experience, i've had the same thing happen to myself. i've been diagnosed with exertional migraines. its when i push myself insanely hard during certain exercises (namely leg presses and hack squats). it doesn't seem to happen with other movements.

    i wouldn't necessarily be afraid of a blood clot forming. but one of the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage is "the worst headache ever". best to get it checked as hemorrhagic strokes carry a high mortality rate. watch for any other signs as bluethunder mentioned.

    advil wouldn't reduce "swelling of red blood cells". since one of the suggested mechanisms of migraine is inflammatory (namely of the cerebral vasculature) for which an NSAID such as advil could help. another thing you could do in the meantime is also take a magnesium supplement.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Something similar happened to me.....saw a chiro and my neck was out of wack from poor head positioning when lifting (you know the look, grunting and sticking your chin out and foward for those last reps instead of keeping it back and tucked). Anyway, A few visits to the chiro and better form when lifting and it cleared up in a few weeks.

    Drop the poundages and see a chiropractor IMO

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