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Thread: Bringing clen to the US

  1. #1

    Bringing clen to the US


    I'm going to NYC on the 21th of August, and I'm currently on a clen cycle. My question is: What do you guys from the US think about bringing clen with me when I go. I mean, what will happen if I get busted by the customs with clen? I don't know if it's legal to sell clen in the US.. I do not want to stop my cycle just because I'm travelling..

    One more thing, do anybody have a gym to recommend in NYC, I'm staying at the Carter Hotel, 250 West 43rd Street..



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I don't know about the gym your going to but all you have to do is buy some vits and put your clen in with it. You will have no problems that way. Good luck buddy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Big Genes has a good idea. You can buy Clen from a research company that is located in NYC if you dont want to risk it. You probally could order the clen before you come here and have it sent to the hotel??????

  4. #4
    Thank you for your advices guys, but is clen legal to buy? I was in Thailand last year, and you could buy it straight from a pharmacy! I guess its not like that in the states.., or what?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You cant buy it from a pharmacy and its not legal to have but there is many canadian and american research companys that sell it for research purposes. They know what they are making it for.

  6. #6
    Ok, thanks Anhydro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    tons of gyms in NYC around that area...I think you probably could just take a 3 min walk from your hotel and find one that would let you work out on a guest pass. Sometimes hotels have a courtesy pass to a local gym.

    Personally, I wouldn't travel with anything but I'm paranoid. Given that it's used for asthma, I think you could probably just put it in a Norwegian pharmacy container and they wouldn't question it even if they searched you. Of course, if you start sweating like a pig, then they might pull you aside. Kinda depends on your disposition.

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