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You has to be said that you are a little young to cycle ,but you are an adult and you do have experiance. I feel better about giving you advise than I do a guy that is thirty saying he just started working out.
Equipoise and Deca is good to stack together.
But for you I would say that this would be a good cycle for you. Get some Test cypoinate or enanthate and do this one.Screw the anabols sell them to someone!!JMO
500mgs of Testosterone every week for 12 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
300-400mgs of Deca every week for 11 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
30mgs of D-bol every day for 4 weeks divide the dose into at least 2 portions and take during different times of the day.
10mgs Nolvadex every day
Than wait three weeks after your last Test injection and start clomid therapy.
Grow BIG