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Thread: What else should I add?

  1. #1

    What else should I add?

    I am looking to bulk the hell up!! I used to weigh 115lbs, and now, 2 years after, I weigh 155lbs. with 8% BF, I am 5'9, 19years old.

    I got tons of dbols (anabols) and deca (yellow top)

    I'm not gonna take it yet, I wanna add something to it. I was gonna add test but someone told me it is too much juice to start with. Than someone told me to add eq instead...or should I just go with my instinct and hit the test??

    Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    use the test. i wouldnt stack eq and deca.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Don't cycle at 19yrs old. But if you did. I say run 500mg a week alone of test and then for your next cycle add the d-bol and deca. You could front load the d-bol with your test if you want. But my suggestion is test with every cycle and don't take juice if your 19. Thats way to young

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    You has to be said that you are a little young to cycle ,but you are an adult and you do have experiance. I feel better about giving you advise than I do a guy that is thirty saying he just started working out.

    Equipoise and Deca is good to stack together.

    But for you I would say that this would be a good cycle for you. Get some Test cypoinate or enanthate and do this one.

    500mgs of Testosterone every week for 12 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    300-400mgs of Deca every week for 11 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    30mgs of D-bol every day for 4 weeks divide the dose into at least 2 portions and take during different times of the day.
    10mgs Nolvadex every day
    Than wait three weeks after your last Test injection and start clomid therapy.

    Grow BIG
    Last edited by Anhydro78; 08-06-2004 at 03:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    You has to be said that you are a little young to cycle ,but you are an adult and you do have experiance. I feel better about giving you advise than I do a guy that is thirty saying he just started working out.

    Equipoise and Deca is good to stack together.

    But for you I would say that this would be a good cycle for you. Get some Test cypoinate or enanthate and do this one.Screw the anabols sell them to someone!!JMO

    500mgs of Testosterone every week for 12 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    300-400mgs of Deca every week for 11 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    30mgs of D-bol every day for 4 weeks divide the dose into at least 2 portions and take during different times of the day.
    10mgs Nolvadex every day
    Than wait three weeks after your last Test injection and start clomid therapy.

    Grow BIG
    Thanks for the help bro and I sent you a PM. Get back at me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    im on my first cycle of deca dbol and sust is what i added i have yellow tops aswell, havent got any side yet plus the sust shot,s havent hurt at all. what kind of a dosage were u thinking for it and how long

  8. #8
    At 19 years old what do you need juice for? Your still growing bro.

    Wait a few years and in the meantime learn proper way of making gains naturally.

    Your health will thank you down the road.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    You has to be said that you are a little young to cycle ,but you are an adult and you do have experiance. I feel better about giving you advise than I do a guy that is thirty saying he just started working out.

    Equipoise and Deca is good to stack together.

    But for you I would say that this would be a good cycle for you. Get some Test cypoinate or enanthate and do this one.

    500mgs of Testosterone every week for 12 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    300-400mgs of Deca every week for 11 weeks split into Bi-weekly injections
    30mgs of D-bol every day for 4 weeks divide the dose into at least 2 portions and take during different times of the day.
    10mgs Nolvadex every day
    Than wait three weeks after your last Test injection and start clomid therapy.

    Grow BIG
    close but no cigar..........can you please post where you saw that deca and eq go good together.

    and please show me where you read that pct starts 3 weeks after test e (it is 2 weeks by the way. and 18 days for cyp)

    other than that it looks pretty good

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Just ask anyone that knows what they are talking about there is nothing wrong with splitting the dose of Eq and Deca. Why would it not work, where have you read that at. Who cares if they compete for receptors.

    Cypoinate clears the system in about 21-22 days Thats why I said to do that.Enanthate Pct starts at 2 weeks, your right.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Damiongauge you are right about the Cypoinate PCT time as well. You where right, I just looked it up. I goofed up on the PCT.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    the only people I see running deca and eq together are some of the older bros that need a little lube in the joints. so they run 400-600 of eq and 200 of deca. I would pick one or the other and use it. And the fact that the compete for the same receptor is a very good reason not to run them together. I do not think it is that big of a deal but IMO I would pick one or the other.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Anhydro78, Dude I am writing you a PM right now. B/c I don't wanta say what I am thinking to the public. I will say that it is in reguards to the advice you gave that young guy about deca and Eq. I am Pming you b/c I don't wanta flame.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage
    close but no cigar..........can you please post where you saw that deca and eq go good together.

    and please show me where you read that pct starts 3 weeks after test e (it is 2 weeks by the way. and 18 days for cyp)

    other than that it looks pretty good
    THat is way too much gear for a first time user and he only 19... Bro is too young and ready to take too much gear. Give it time and do it safe... Time is on your side...

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