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  1. #1
    Swedeboy's Avatar
    Swedeboy is offline Junior Member
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    Is this T3 dosage ok?!?

    Here's my planned cycle, splitt into 3 periods and the amount of mcg every day.

    Up period of 4 days:25mcg-25mcg-25mcg-50mcg

    Const. period 6days:87,5mcg-87,5mcg-87,5mcg-87,5mcg-87,5mcg-87,5mcg

    Down period 13days:75mcg-75mcg-75mcg-50mcg-50mcg-50mcg-50mcg-25mcg-25mcg-25mcg-12,5mcg-12,5mcg-12,5mcg

    in percent it will be:
    total amount mcg=1187
    up period=125/1187=10.5%
    const per.=525/1187=44.2%
    down per.=537,5/1187=45.3%

    If been calculating a while now and I find it diffiucult to come up with a nice formula for about 20-25days and with the dosage splitt into 5%-40%-55% as recommended by CYCLEON. The easiest is to cut down on the up period an add that to the down period, but won't the up period be too short/small then???

    And if I just add extra to the down period wont the down period be to long? Please let me know.

    And one more thing. I know the dosages are pretty low but this is my first time using T3 so I just want to check how my body will react, so please do'nt say "the dosage is to low, it won't do any good etc etc".

  2. #2
    go4gold's Avatar
    go4gold is offline Member
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    stupid question, but what does t3 actually stand for? i m guessing test 300, does that mean any type of test at 300mg.

  3. #3
    smokey is offline New Member
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    t3 is from greece and its (liothronine sodium) CYTOMEL

  4. #4
    smokey is offline New Member
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    at the gym were i train, poeple go up to 200-250mcg a day to get ready for a show

  5. #5
    Swedeboy's Avatar
    Swedeboy is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    ripped_82's Avatar
    ripped_82 is offline Member
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    Ya that sounds pretty good, but your up period sounds a little to long for that short of a cycle. Im about to do some T3/Clen /ECA myself. My cycle:

    40 day cycle 25mcg tabs. Clen & ECA during cycle 2 wks on 2 off

    Up period(2days): 25mcg, 50mcg

    Const period(16days):75mcg

    Down period(22days):[email protected], 5days@50mcg, [email protected], 5days@25mcg, [email protected]

    I know it sucks breaking pills apart but this will give your thyroid time to begin working on its own. Hope this helps someone
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is this T3 dosage ok?!?-m13%5B1%5D.jpg  

  7. #7
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    forget about the up period - you will notice in the revised cycle it is only 5% - 5/45/50 or 5/40/55

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