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Thread: How to stay healthy on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round

    Unhappy How to stay healthy on cycle

    after reading about the guy who died im the gym, im a little worried about doing my 1st cycle (which is sitting infront of me, 500mg of ethanate 12 weeks).
    >>people said to keep check of you bp levels. what would be a good range to stay in before i get worried? should i also do more cardio (2mi run ed)? and should i take ALA and milk thriste while on cycle and pct?

    >>my friend said to take flaxseed oil, vitamin c and e, and eat alot of oatmeal while doing the cycle. any other suggestions? thanks

    R.I.P. bro who died in gym

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Just listen to your body..Buy a bp monitor at a local pharmacy around $65. Check it everyday to see what your average is. After the test kicks in it may change(higher). Normal bp is ,130/85 but a little less is best. It is common for it to get to 160/100 mild hypertension. Realize it flucuates hr to hr. You do not need to take the ala,milk thistle. But the ala is always good anyways. Just be sensible & you will be fine. Do not let the fear start or your cycle is doomed evan BEFORE its started.

  3. #3
    Exactly BlueThunder. If it will help you ease your mind you can also take a low dose (81mg) aspirin daily that will help keep the red blood cell count down and the bp under control as well. Just pay attention to your body, you'll be fine!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Some people experance side effect at that dose but most do not. Testosterone isnt the real harsh struff anyways. Orals,Insulin,DNP is the dangerous stuff. Lots of people have bad side effects from orals and the other two if you dont know what you are doing you can kill yourself. All though I wouldnt take your cycle lightly. Like said above its a good Idea to check your Blood pressure often.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    if BP gets too high should i just stop they cycle and take clomid?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    if bp gets elevated you could try something like baby asprin which would help to thin out the bloos slightly which could lower bp a little. I think lots of water and no sodium will also help bp big time.

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