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  1. #1
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004

    D-bol and tren in the same cycle, yes or no?

    Ok, as soon as this acne subsides a little bit I'm going to run a bulking cycle. I was thinking about kick-starting my cycle with 35mg a day of d-bol for the first 4 weeks. Now I've heard of guys hitting d-bol for 4 weeks, then fina for the following 6 weeks. As of right now i only have 10ml of 200mg test cyp. I break out like a motherf*cker on test and I cant stand it, so I was thinking about possibly just taking 200mg a week of this for 10 weeks. So how does this cycle look? Weeks 1-4 35mg a day of d-bol, weeks 5-10 75mg eod fina, 200mg a week of test cyp for the duration of the entire cycle. In a perfect world, I would get more cyp, but I just paid for classes today and I'm going to be poor for awhile. I would like to hit 75mg of fina ed, but I figure 200mg of test a week isnt enough to compensate for that, right? Let me know what you more experienced guys would do in this case. Also ,how much nolva for a cycle like this?

  2. #2
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    I don't see a problem with running dbol and fina in the same cycle. Although I definetly wouldn't run the test that low. 500mgs minimum in this situation.
    If you break out from test you should try using some anti e's, fem, nolva or ldex and run it during your whole cycle. This keeps your estro levels down and in turn might help with the acne. Tanning also helps and or you can get some meds for the acne.
    But zits are part of this game...You gotta learn to live with them and take every precaution to keep them to a minimum....

  3. #3
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004
    ok, 500 it is then, thank you very much!!! One more quick question. Would you start loading the fina during your last week of d-bol, or would you start fresh with it on week 5?

  4. #4
    Paingain is offline Banned
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    Jul 2004
    Also, how would it work switching from cyp to prop halfway through my cycle? Prop is cheaper for me and my source is a little high with his prices. Is switching to a different type of test like this ok during my cycle?

  5. #5
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Oct 2001
    Yeah u can switch from test cyp to test prop half way thru.
    Start the fina in week 3 and run it till week 9.

  6. #6
    Paingain is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    sounds good, thanks

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