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Thread: Fake primo???

  1. #1

    Question Fake primo???

    I have reason to believe that my primo is fake. The blue dot is smaller than the others that I have seen and they are are not all the same size either. The lot numbers are P-075B and exp date is 09.2005. and the stripes at the top are thinner than the ones I have seen on the net also. The lables are hard to get off though and right below the dot at the neck of the vial where your supposed to score it there is the little slit or cut on all of them. Looks like someone tried to score it already. Any help would be grateful. Thanks AZ

  2. #2
    If they are fake what is in them. Iwas going to bridge with them but not if there some kind of cheap test. Oh and I dont have a digital camera SOrry

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hard to give a honest opinon however,, the fakes I have heard of have a large,,, blue dot on them.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    bumping one last time

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Lightbulb Problem solved, ok?

    I would advise a "back" source check on the source you secured these from, if your doubts are high. How extensive is your relationship with him/her?? Reason for uncertainty? (besides features of the amp...impossible w/o pic on schering spanish these days)

    Use proper protocol for the source check as AR advocates. Or email any MOD from any board. Through networking, order history, referrals, users' feedback/testimonials, it wouldn't be more than 12 hours to determine the legitimacy of your primo with a 95% accuracy.

    ....And a digiCam, too

    My two cents, bro...........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    It is hard to tell without seeing them but it sounds like they are fake...The fake one's I saw had thinner rings are the amp and they were placed a little different that the real one's...I wish I had a digital camera, i'd show ya what the real one's are supposed to look like...

  8. #8
    I have dealt with this source several times d-bol,clen,deca,sustanon, prop and they were all legit. He is even on a site that reccomends him.
    Ironfist- do yours have that liitle slit below the dot at the neck. I dont think a conterfiter would go to the trouble of doing this, but I dont know. If they are fake what is most likely in them, do ya think?

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