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  1. #1
    frodog is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004

    How long and how much?

    This is going to be my first experince with steroids . Many have informed me that i can take Anavar alone for strength and toning. Could someone suggest how many weeks to take it for and roughly how much a day?...Thanks

  2. #2
    Oakley's Avatar
    Oakley is offline Associate Member
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    why would you do that? maybe im not educated enough but its my understanding you use this for an extra kick to a cycle not as the cycle

  3. #3
    BigGenes's Avatar
    BigGenes is offline Member
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    Your a newbie and you need to take a test only cycle for the first time. Front loading with anavar wouldn't be bad. But don't take it alone. I say take 500mg a week for 10wks and clomid. Take cyp or enanth. This way you will see how steroids affect your body and it will be easier for someone to design your next cycle b/c they will know how your body reacts. Test only for first time newbies is a must in my book. If your a newbie and you wanta cut. Take clen , its that simple.

  4. #4
    MotoLifter's Avatar
    MotoLifter is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGenes
    Your a newbie and you need to take a test only cycle for the first time. Front loading with anavar wouldn't be bad. But don't take it alone. I say take 500mg a week for 10wks and clomid. Take cyp or enanth. This way you will see how steroids affect your body and it will be easier for someone to design your next cycle b/c they will know how your body reacts. Test only for first time newbies is a must in my book. If your a newbie and you wanta cut. Take clen, its that simple.

    How can you say that this guy should do a 500mg/wk test cycle if you dont have the first ****ing clue about his stats? Weight, workout experience, etc. What if he is 125lbs and works out 2x a week? Its not that simple!!!....
    This board needs a PARROT smilie!!!!!!

  5. #5
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    whats your stats bro, it'll help us better understand what would work best for you

  6. #6
    frodog is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004
    I'm going to be weighing 175 pounds at the time of my first cycle. I have been working out seroius for a year and have bounced my weight from 150 to 168 at the moment. Thanks for your help and concern bro's...

  7. #7
    Swellin Guest
    Honestly, working out for one year is nowhere near long enough to jump on gear. you are simply short changing yourself. I will tell you that you can get twice the gains of anavar with only a half-assed change in your diet.

    I'm not bashing you bro, I hate to see you make the wrong move. Change up your diet and training...don't jump on gear yet. Wait until later. Do some research here on AR about the various compounds, and you will see that running test only will cost 1/3 of an anavar cycle, and do 10 times as much.

    But like I said...please don't short change yourself and start gear now.

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