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Thread: I knmow its a bad question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024

    I knmow its a bad question...

    and everybody hates answering it. Im coming off a deca, eq, fina, winny cycle. I'm taking HCG and clomid. I looked up clomid and fouind a very help post, but if Im mixing it with HCG should i lower the dose. I dont want high estrogen levels, I just want a hard on. Hows this sound. 2500ius of HCG 5 days later another 2500iu and start clomid at 300 a day, day 2-12 100mg a day...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: I knmow its a bad question...

    Originally posted by jmiro
    and everybody hates answering it. Im coming off a deca, eq, fina, winny cycle. I'm taking HCG and clomid. I looked up clomid and fouind a very help post, but if Im mixing it with HCG should i lower the dose. I dont want high estrogen levels, I just want a hard on. Hows this sound. 2500ius of HCG 5 days later another 2500iu and start clomid at 300 a day, day 2-12 100mg a day...

    Hell if thats all you want close your eyes and think Jennifer Lopez for me everytime

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA 90024
    yeah that used to work for me except it was britney spears and I could think of anything and I would pitch a tent. now after that cycle Im like an 80 year old man

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    you dont take hcg and clomid at the same time

    you take hcg 3 or 4 weeks before the end of your cycle to bring back your nut to full size

    then take clomid for 3 weeks to start your test again

    hcg has enough strenth to shut you down so you dont take it during clomid.

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