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  1. #1
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004

    Severe depression! Help please.

    I have been working out for about 7 years now, but I have not juiced for a year or more. I have been working out naturally and regularly. I have some juice and I know that since I have been working out so long, juice free, that my body will respond well, but I'm afraid of the depression. Any suggestions? I read something about the depression being caused by the high levels of estrogen produced by the body while juicing. If so will anti-estrogens help?

  2. #2
    Roadisafunnyword is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I have been working out for about 7 years now, but I have not juiced for a year or more. I have been working out naturally and regularly. I have some juice and I know that since I have been working out so long, juice free, that my body will respond well, but I'm afraid of the depression. Any suggestions? I read something about the depression being caused by the high levels of estrogen produced by the body while juicing. If so will anti-estrogens help?
    test prop/dbol cycle is the best to avoid depression. that or prop/winny.

    have HCG and take tribulus all thorugh ur cycle and shut down should be minimal, stay away form tren /halo or strong andgrons.

    But i suggest just stayin natural if u have depression problems in the past

  3. #3
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2004
    I def agree with road....

    Dbol gives me a euphorical feeling!

    Along with regular test if I have anti e's in my system regularaly, and if tren was ever one of your choices to run in a future cycle i would remove that choice and find suttin else cause that made my life the pits at the time i was using tren i lost my girlfriend of two years (it was def my fault, cause of my aggression due to tren administration) and I got really depressed all the time (but everyone is different)

    Good luck


  4. #4
    Bdy_Dysm is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I find that when I let my estogen levels get to high I start getting real depressed! Also post cycle, the sudden drop of adrogens after beeing so high, makes feel depressed!

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