10) You just wanna get buffed up for a weekend trip to the beach.
9) You believe that AAS is muscle in a vial.
(Sorry - the quality of your physique is determined by
#1 Genetics, #2 Diet, #3 Workout, #4 Drugs
8) You are 30 years old and have worked out for 10 years have weighed 155# all your life and even with a great diet and good workout you cannot gain 10 pounds.
(Save your money & effort for something more productive)
7) You don't like doing research.
(Sure - go ahead do your gram/wk of Deca only cycle. You thought that up all by yourself? - WOW )
6) You cant afford to buy all your cycle, ancillaries and PCT at one time.
(No flame on this one but you will just waste what little money you have and give yourself a lot of sides.)
5) You dont have the discipline to stick to a diet.
(see #4)
4) You cant give up your booze or coke for 12 weeks.
(Quit kidding yourself - you just dont want it bad enuf. Go do something you really *want* to do like drink and snort coke or eat fast food). You are as bad chain smokers who cant go 5 minutes without a cigarrete. A pitiful display of addiction and lack of willpower)
3) You still live with your parents.
(You are prob. too young anyway. Grow up, move away then think about AAS.)
2) *Edited* to Can't get permission/consent of spouse. Your relationship with spouse should be more important than getting big)
1) You are afraid of needles.
(Please find a nice non-contact sport like golf)