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Thread: How Long

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    How Long

    how long do you think it will take to see size on a 250 enathathate and 200 deca a week cycle.

  2. #2
    Last edited by askingforit; 09-11-2002 at 06:16 PM.

  3. #3
    4 to 6 weeks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Why whould you do that. That's like a small waste.
    Buy some more gear. Get yourself a nice cycle. Then try:

    Weeks 1-10 Deca 400
    Weeks 1-10 Test E 500
    Weeks 13 Clomid 300mg first day, 100mg nest 10 days, 50mg nest 10 days

    That's a good cycle.

  5. #5
    I think that you'll see good results on the low dose if you're a beginner.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    If its your first cycle, and your genetics,diet and training are in check you will get some gains. If its not your first ,you gotta go with genuinePL. bump it up, add some d-bol for wk1-4, Take the clomid and you should keep about 80%! later!

  7. #7
    Originally posted by BE_STRONG
    If its your first cycle, and your genetics,diet and training are in check you will get some gains. If its not your first ,you gotta go with genuinePL. bump it up, add some d-bol for wk1-4, Take the clomid and you should keep about 80%! later!
    Bump that!!!

    Don't forget about the Nolvadex. If I had my first cycle to do over again, it would have looked liked this:

    Week 1-10, 400mg Test/400mg Deca per week. Test on Saturday, Deca on Wednesday; 10mg Nolvadex ed.

    Week 1-6, 35mg Dbol ed.

    Week 12-14, 1000 iu HCG per day for 10 days. OR, I would have used Clomid the way that GenuinePL describes, or both.

    But, if you don't have all the gear... You do have the rest of your life to do cycles. You will gain from what you posted.

    Don't start until you have the nolvadex, clomid or HCG. I like taking the nolvadex everyday part of the cycle, it keeps the water off and prevents the other sides like acne and all gains are guaranteed to be all lean muscles. IMO nothing looks worse that soft, puffy, watery muscles.

    Here's an example of what I hate:

    This guy was 130 pounds before his cycle. He won't tell me what he did, he says creatine. It's obvious that he used AS and didn't diet and exercise. Look at how smooth he is, he'll be lucky to keep five pounds when the water retention goes away. GROSS!!!
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    Originally posted by Methuselah

    Week 1-10, 400mg Test/400mg Deca, 10mg Nolvadex ed.

    You don't take nolvadex with your cycle. You only use it for gyno. Nolvadex will block your gains. Get nolvadex and keep it on hand bro. incase you get gyno, then take it 40mg ED till gyno dissapears and then 20mg to end of clomid therapy.
    If you want to use an ati-e go with liquidex .25 - .5 ED weeks 1-10.

  9. #9
    Originally posted by GenuinePL


    You don't take nolvadex with your cycle. You only use it for gyno. Nolvadex will block your gains. Get nolvadex and keep it on hand bro. incase you get gyno, then take it 40mg ED till gyno dissapears and then 20mg to end of clomid therapy.
    If you want to use an ati-e go with liquidex .25 - .5 ED weeks 1-10.
    I hear what you're saying. The estrogen makes you a lot stronger and makes you appear bigger. I like to take nolvadex during cycle just to make sure that there isn't any water. At the end of the day, I beleive that the gains are the same. You can lose the water after the cycle or just prevent it during the cycle. I'm not sure how much of a training advantage I lose from the lower strenght from lack of estrogen and water retention, lifting heavy is relative right?

    I apreciate the perspective! Nice post. I just hate the bloating and softness that I get from test without nolvadex and at my age I worry about my hair too. I don't have a forehead anymore, I have a fivehead (measured in fingers by placing the palm of your hand under your hairline). I put on 6 pounds already using the nolvadex with my cycle. By this time last cycle without nolvadex I was at 10-12 pounds (water?). I'm only at the end of week five. I can realy feel the muscles right now (you know how great the pump feels). My test/deca cycle is peaking!!!! It's great to be me right now!!!

    I will consider liquadex. Researching....

    Thanks for the advice, Bro!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America

    Stop using nolvadex in your cycle you will have better results. Go with arimidex or liquidex. They will help you better even with the water too. Arimidex is in tabs and liquidex is liquid and more cheaper, but they are the same things.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by GenuinePL

    Stop using nolvadex in your cycle you will have better results. Go with arimidex or liquidex. They will help you better even with the water too. Arimidex is in tabs and liquidex is liquid and more cheaper, but they are the same things.
    Thanks bro, that's great advice! I don't worry about gyno, just water, acne and hairloss. I'm happy to benefit from your experince. Thanks a million.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Where can you get liquidex

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Plus this is my first cycle in a year and the second in my life. I do have the 6 extra vials of 250 enathate should I mix them in somehow or throw them in the next cycle. Plus I have Clomid, HCG, Clen, and Nolvadex.

    Current Cycle is

    Enanthate Deca
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200
    250 200

    If you think I should mix in the other vials of enanthate let me know. Another thing to please keep in mind is that 400 mg of deca is in 50mg/ml bottles so I could do a 500 enanthate 250 deca cycle for 8 weeks (that was the original plan, but I was thinking maybe 500 test was a lot and that 10 weeks was maybe better). Please let me know all your opinions.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    United States of America
    See if you could get more of the stuff and go for 10 weeks with Deca 400 and test E 500.

    You could get nolvadex most likely from your source or from some good friend that works in pharmacy.

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