Hey fella's just checked my heart rate while just sitting here chilling and reading and it was 105 bpm. Is this normal?
Hey fella's just checked my heart rate while just sitting here chilling and reading and it was 105 bpm. Is this normal?
I am on cycle, 75 mg prop ed and winny 50 mg ed. This is the seventh week, Im almost done cause this ones jsut an 8 weeker.
bro... your BPM is going to vary... if this is you're first cycle or your nervous you have to take that into concideration... if your BP isn't over 160/90 then I'm sure your fine... just a little excited...
haahh awesome bro, just making sure. Good thing we got guys like you on this boardKnowledge is a beautifull thing. And sharing it is even better! Thanks again bro, take care and stay strong.
a little high
try relaxing
That happens to me only when im taking orals,tren or something like that.
seems quite high.
mines 59 BPM at the moment.
yes its a bit high..... myblood prseuusre while on test prop masteron and winny is 116/76/65....when my anxiety spikes it can be 110-120 beats per minute.... so just relax homie....take your blood pressure readings at least twice a day with one of those gadgets (69.00) from wal mart or wal greens
Resting heart rate of 105 for someone who exercises (and I assume you do) is NOT normal. As previously said, stress or anxiety can raise the pulse rate. But so can anabolic steroids, especially if you're experiencing water retention (bloating). Make sure you check you blood pressure. Also, the mahority of automated blood pressure machines are NOT very accurate. They can easily be off by 20-25 mmHg on your systolic blood pressure.
fack .. im sitting in a lazyboy on tren and clen and mines at 86bpm.
just thought Id add.
Mine was about 90. Now that I added b12 and trib/yohimbe its 112.
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