Has anyone every used or heard of this product. if so can you give me some details as to what it does and is used for.
Has anyone every used or heard of this product. if so can you give me some details as to what it does and is used for.
it is to deca as propinate is to enanthate
basically it is nandrolone with a phenle prop ester instead of a decanoate ester
or commonly refered to as "fast acting deca"
ahhh, thats what I thought,
by the way, how is your cycle going
i also thought that (nandrolone undeconate) was the fast acting deca...are they the same??
I was 3 weeks into the second 6 week cycle and started getting bad heart palpitations (up 20lbs and down 1.5 % bf in three weeks) and had pretty high blood pressure, so I came off. I have been off about three weeks, I will go back to the doc and get test levels checked. Once I am good I will get back on. I may drop the tren(down or completely gone) and go to nandrolone phenyl or Bold prop. unless I can get the doc to give me some BP meds. I love tren but the sides were a little ruff and I am not gonns mess with my ticker too much.Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
sorry to hear that bro, you only had 34 more wks to go..lol
No...I believe that undeconate is a longer ester......Originally Posted by HollywoodM3
Yep I am giving it another go for sure.....New start date is Sept 29.......I get back from vacation on the 28thOriginally Posted by HollywoodM3
Heart papitations scare me.
yeh, and mine were pretty bad.......thought about going to the hospital a couple of times.Originally Posted by builtthekid
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