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Thread: question about b5

  1. #1

    question about b5

    I am planning on taking 10g a day for about 30 days then going down to 5g a day. But my question is, do I need to split up the dosages? Like dbol kinda? Or could I just take it all at once. thanks.

  2. #2
    i just ordered the powder online. But I talked to a nurse and she said if I take more than like a gram a day i will pee it out, what do you all think about that?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    split the dosages up for atleast 3X/day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I started out with 10 grams per day and it works great. When my back cleared up, I went down on the dosage every other day by 1 grams utill i got to 5 grams. This stuff worked for me but it took it at least 3 weeks to start working. Good luck with the acne it's a bitch.

  6. #6
    sweet, only 3 weeks, ive heard it takes longer. did you use anything else?

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