I am posting this again but it has new information this time, im leaving the old post alone because of smart@sses commenting. I get messages every day from tested athletes asking me questions so im just keeping you guys posted. Its not 100% accurate, and its not proven to work, but its worked for me and others in my training group many of times!
So i dont want to hear crap from all the skeptics, all im saying is it works for us, it may not be the best way to do it. Again some of this i have posted before and some of it is new.
First off, go buy a bottle of Niacin and a bottle of Golden Seal root. These arnt proven to clean out your system but they help. They should both be available at Wal-Mart. Make sure the niacin isnt flush free. You need it to flush out your system. If you have 6 days take this for all six days. THe last three days get some metamucil (fiber) and a diuretic. This will flush your system out. You will be sh**ting and pissing all day long. When you go take the test your piss will be white, so you need to take some vitamin C so your urine is yellow, or else they will say it is tampered with. Soda, cranberry juice and alchohol work as duiretics as well.
When you take the test start pissing in the toilet, and when you are about done then piss in the cup. This will leave the weakest piss for last. If you have the time and money order B-Clean detox pills, Test'in Plus Precleansing Tabs, a urine screan, or all of them. These will most likely block the roids in your system if there is any left. If you fail the test, tell them you took Orchic extract, its the only herb that can cause a false steroid test.Never admit to taking steroids! Appeal, appeal, appeal!!
Be carefull with the days you use metamucil/diuretic and the days you use your other stuff because they will make you piss the pills right out. Drink over a gallon of water a day. Do not drink tap water!! Drink spring or distilled water. Tap water has chlorine and other other toxins in it.
Clean all of your clothes, hats, sheets, pillow cases, towels ect.. the steroid toxins in your sweat can leak back into your body leaving traces of steroids on you. You must clean all of this when done taking roids. When the roids are out of your body your body will do anything to get them back such as soaking in toxins from clothes.
The higher body fat percentage the higher chance roids will stay in your system longer. Toxins stick to body fat most of the time. THe leaner you are, the less chance of getting caught!
Heres some links for detection times, these are not accurate anymore. In the last year drug tests have advanced much. You must add two weeks up to 3 months for some kinds depending on the kind. Winstrol stays in your system much longer than this says. Mesterolone, Ethylesterone, Methandienone, and Noretadrolone all stay in your system longer than 5 weeks like some charts say, they can stay in as long as 3 months. These will help give you an idea even tho they are not competely accurate.
People ask how to fix your t/e 6:1 ratio so you can stay on while being tested.
Now to fix your ratio to 6:1 is hard. you will probably have to have a doctor do this for you. you will need epitesosterone injections to even it out, which is a harmless non effective drug. but a doc would have to give it to you and moniter your levels to get it right, it would be very time consuming and expensive.
Dont even try using a fake c0ck with a piss bag if you are being tested for sports because that will not work, they do look.
I have been tested over 30 times. if it is a random test they will give you 48 hours notice usually, but if you win a big meet or a championship you will be taken immediatly to the test room and be tested. If you are an international athlete you must keep the testing org. in the know at all times were you are and they cans how up at your door to test you at anytime.
Again If you fail the test once again say you took Orchic extract, it will show steroid abuse in a false positive. Say you heard it could do that but didnt believe it and used it anyways. Also cross-contamination is another great plea. Many companies have been known to cross-contaminaite supplements with steroids. Allot of legal supp. companies illegaly make steroids. Allot of companies use the same raw product companies which cross-contaminate as well.
If you got the money stick to stuff that wont show up on the tests like Growth Hormone and Insulin when you get closer to testing time. EPO shows up on tests now but there is a new form of it that is coming out that wont show on tests.
Short cycles at low doses are commonly used closer to season for pro athletes, so you can get it out of your system cleaner. Most pro athletes do the heavy cycle the day after the season is over and form then on tell season starts the cycles get lower and shorter.