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Thread: Need Your Opinions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Need Your Opinions

    my friend is 24 yrs old, about 5'10, and weighs around 170lbs. He has recently started lifting hard playing college baseball and insists on doing his first cycle. I told him to wait, but he is persistent on doing it anyways. My question is would it be alright for him to do 500mg of Test E or because he is so little go with 250mg a week. I will advise nolva and pct, but I just need you guys opinion on the dosage. Thanks--

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    free crack giveaway
    If he has his mind set on doing the cycle, 500mg will be fine for a first cycle. Be sure he takes his Nolva/L-dex throughout and Clomid/Nolva for PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Would you really trust your friend to tell you what to inject in your body after being on a forum that highly dissapproves of doing it in this certain situation.........He needs to work up to this sort of thing by getting his diet in check 1st.....2nd his training and then maybe....he can study aas usage....but not beforehand..........He'll eventually end up right back where he is now...............but its his money

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    this is becomming very common, amateur ball players turning to steroids as a means to boost themselves into the pro ranks (not saying that this is the case with your friend, but I would assume it is). I just keep hearing about a lot of irresponsible use, both in my area as well as on TV (the idiots on 48 hours and 60 minutes), lengthy cycles with no PCT. As a friend, just make sure you give him as much good advice as you possibly can so that everything goes as smooth as possbile.
    IMO a lot of non bodybuilders who don't know how to fine tune their diets, would feel like they were on steroids if they started eating the right foods and sufficient calories to grow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 123kid
    my friend is 24 yrs old, about 5'10, and weighs around 170lbs. He has recently started lifting hard playing college baseball and insists on doing his first cycle. I told him to wait, but he is persistent on doing it anyways. My question is would it be alright for him to do 500mg of Test E or because he is so little go with 250mg a week. I will advise nolva and pct, but I just need you guys opinion on the dosage. Thanks--
    i woun;t recommend test E due to it's long detection time 3-4 months, i mean if there's a chance he;ll be tested he could lose eveything.

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