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Thread: Eq

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)


    ok hear is the deal i just started on dl eq 250 said to be overdosed to to 265mg i take 1.5 cc a week just did my second week , i have 20cc total of this im going to take now my question is what kind of gains should i expect from about 10weeks use of this stuff i have noticed just from the two weeks an increase in power and also hardness , now part two i have been doing some reading on test because everyone says that this eq is great as a stacker with test or deca now the thing is i dont want to risk the hair loss so what can u use that wont start a balding process or does it not make everyone bald , just trying to learn thanks in advance for the advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGRANCH
    ok hear is the deal i just started on dl eq 250 said to be overdosed to to 265mg i take 1.5 cc a week just did my second week , i have 20cc total of this im going to take now my question is what kind of gains should i expect from about 10weeks use of this stuff i have noticed just from the two weeks an increase in power and also hardness , now part two i have been doing some reading on test because everyone says that this eq is great as a stacker with test or deca now the thing is i dont want to risk the hair loss so what can u use that wont start a balding process or does it not make everyone bald , just trying to learn thanks in advance for the advice
    Why are you taking it alone? And I have never heard of Eq 250. It must be a UG lab I guess. Or euro stuff that I just don't know about yet. Finastride will prevent baldness and no not everyone gets it. 1mg a day, start 1 month before you start your test. Oh and your not taking enough juice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    you should up the eq to 2cc's a week if your running it alone. also you will only get slow gains from eq alone and there wont be to much. you should add some test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    well i had been thinking when i start my second bottle i was going to start it with some test 400 and the eq i have is from DL and most of the eq i have seen was 250 but i dont know im new to all this , any advice on a good test to start with .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Don't mean to flame you... well actually I do ... You should have been asking all these questions BEFORE you started injecting this stuff. You should have already known:

    1. finastride will help block the DHT that can cause your hair to fall out.
    2. You don't stack EQ with Deca.
    3. You do stack test with EQ, and should be now.
    4. EQ slow acting so any "gains" you are seeing in week 2 are psychological not physiological.

    Do you even have a PCT plan? How about all the supplies for it? You should since you already started.

    You should stop right now and figure out what the hell you're doing before you waste what you have and gain nothing.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Chances is right bro! EQ is slow if you run it alone. I would never run it without Test if you want the most for your dollar.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    see the thing is its not that i didnt research anything at all the reason i only got the eq was because im not a little guy im 6-3 259lbs im already a big guy i dont know how much bigger test will make me i have 19% body fat im trying to get hard as nails i was told that the eq would make me hard what are some realistic gains from me taking eq and test without getting to big to get out of my own way , thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Hey bro...I did an EQ only clycle once...400mg/week for 10 weeks and did get some decent gains which I kept most of...however it did pretty much kill my sex drive....another good reason to add test in with it.....if your worried about putting on too much weight or water retention...why not throw in something like test E @ 250mg/week...even though the rule of thumb is to run the test higher than the EQ...since it is your first cycle your body would probabally respond to even a small dose of test and it would save your sex drive...also I am prone to hair loss but did not see an increase will I was on EQ and did not use anything for hairloss prevention...but if you can get it use it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    somewhere in reality
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGRANCH
    see the thing is its not that i didnt research anything at all the reason i only got the eq was because im not a little guy im 6-3 259lbs im already a big guy i dont know how much bigger test will make me i have 19% body fat im trying to get hard as nails i was told that the eq would make me hard what are some realistic gains from me taking eq and test without getting to big to get out of my own way , thanks
    IMO it dosent matter how big or small you are when making the choice to use AAS. EQ alone will NOT make you hard as nails. All the dope in the world will not make you hard as nails without proper diet/cardio. There are several reasons to use some form of Test as a base for almost all cycles. A few of which were already mentioned above. I would also never use just one persons opinion when injecting something in my body. If you would have posted this before you started, you would have found out that the majority of people on here would have advised against a EQ only cycle, and that it will got give you the shredded look you were told it would.

    good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Agree with RATM. If you want to lose bf, you need to work on your diet, not take steroids. They don't really do anything in the fat burning department. Even T3, Clen, etc. are not effective if you don't change your diet.

    You cannot get ripped if you are taking in a maintenance amount of calories or more.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chances
    Don't mean to flame you... well actually I do ... You should have been asking all these questions BEFORE you started injecting this stuff. You should have already known:

    1. finastride will help block the DHT that can cause your hair to fall out.
    2. You don't stack EQ with Deca.
    3. You do stack test with EQ, and should be now.
    4. EQ slow acting so any "gains" you are seeing in week 2 are psychological not physiological.

    Do you even have a PCT plan? How about all the supplies for it? You should since you already started.

    You should stop right now and figure out what the hell you're doing before you waste what you have and gain nothing.

    there are a few bros on this board that are running EQ with Deca

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    I agree with Chances.
    I am on Test Enth 500 / EQ 400 EW along with 75 Tren EOD, the test and EQ complement nicely.
    Personally Deca is a MAJOR BLOATER.
    Test Enth makes me retain a little, but nothing like the Deca did.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    By a bunch of cornfields
    Hey bro, I agree, all the drugs in the world wont make you ripped w/o proper diet and cardio, diet being the most important in my eyes. As for the cycle, I think you should add some test propionate at around 75mg-100mgs ED. This will smoke the EQ alone. You could even add some winstrol during the last 6 weeks. Get some nolvadex too and run it at 10mg ED and that should keep down the bloat. Run it through your PCT along with your clomid. There are a lot of good threads on here about PCT so if you have any ?s just refer back to those. Again, definately add some test IMO. Hope this helps.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    yeah it does thanks alot , now to the guy who posted about the eq killing his sex drive is this something eq does or was it just him has anyone else out there had any problems with the eq and sex , thanks again

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    As for esters, Undecylenate is a long ester, but a lot of evidence shows that release is closer to .6 to .8 multiplied by the number of carbons as opposed to the classic view of 1.5 per. So within a week your blood level will be quite high, and in 2 weeks you may start to feel preliminary effects, ie increased hunger and hardness. I've never noticed increased strength so soon, or attribute it to the test, but everyone reacts differently. There is no scientific law stating that it takes 5 weeks to feel gains from EQ, this is mostly experience from people on stacks, so they may attribute early gains to the test, when it is partially EQ's actions. I know the EQ hunger hits me in 2.5-3 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by chances
    Don't mean to flame you... well actually I do ... You should have been asking all these questions BEFORE you started injecting this stuff. You should have already known:

    1. finastride will help block the DHT that can cause your hair to fall out.
    2. You don't stack EQ with Deca.
    3. You do stack test with EQ, and should be now.
    4. EQ slow acting so any "gains" you are seeing in week 2 are psychological not physiological.

    Do you even have a PCT plan? How about all the supplies for it? You should since you already started.

    You should stop right now and figure out what the hell you're doing before you waste what you have and gain nothing.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    oh my god are u right,the hunger is killer it hits like a ton of bricks . it goes right from being not hungry to starving to the point of feeling sick in minutes but i know i have seen the results with me just from the eq alone i have gotten harder over the past two weeks and it seems as if i have more muscle endurance who knows maybe its just me but i can tell the difference and everyone i workout with at the gym can also

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGRANCH
    oh my god are u right,the hunger is killer it hits like a ton of bricks . it goes right from being not hungry to starving to the point of feeling sick in minutes but i know i have seen the results with me just from the eq alone i have gotten harder over the past two weeks and it seems as if i have more muscle endurance who knows maybe its just me but i can tell the difference and everyone i workout with at the gym can also

    So when did the hunger hit ya?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    the second week this is my third week started today and it can be pretty bad like if i dont have food on hand i will feel like i have not eatten for many hours and its pretty much like clock work about every two hours i will get this feeling , this is normal right

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    Yes that's normal, but very different for everyone. Some don't get that mad hunger til week 4 or 5, some don't all.
    I'm at week 4 and I don;t get those mad hungers, if I do, it's on spurts.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    If all else is in order (like diet, rest, and workout) and you can control the hunger from Eq, you can lose a good amount of fat while cutting with Eq. Eq raises your metabolic rate, and also your blood pressure. I love the hardness that Eq gives I would still use test with it though. I like it when my willy responds to stimulation from the ladies.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    so will i lose my sex drive with just using eq alone , and if so why is that .

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    Shuts ya down in that dept, but dude, I am running it right now with Test Enth, and NO problem.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    how long does it take to shut u down and is this something that happens to everyone that runs it alone , i have been on it three weeks now

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    Everyone's affected differently.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    small wonder (delaware)
    ok so far as i can tell im good in that area as far as my drive goes for now but i will be starting my test in a couple weeks anyway

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chances
    Don't mean to flame you... well actually I do

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Southern USA
    Quote Originally Posted by KINGRANCH
    ok so far as i can tell im good in that area as far as my drive goes for now but i will be starting my test in a couple weeks anyway

    Why don't you do your test now?
    Still takes time to kick in.

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