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  1. #1
    Britguy is offline Banned
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    Opinions please...


    3 previous cycle including Test E in all of them and deca in 2 of them

    After last cycle i gained a good 20lbs and have kept about 16lbs of that i want to use prop and tren for some lean mass gains, im thinking of doing the following:

    wk 1-6 Test Prop 100mg EoD
    wks 1-6 Tren acetate 75mg EoD (both Brit Dragon)

    I say a 6 weeker because during my past cycles ive gained most during this time and its mainly been quality gains, after this time the water has seemed to kick and bloat me to ****, what you fellas think? what are the advantages or negatives i'd like tio hear all your opinions

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    shoot everyday not every other day. it will keep blood levels more stabel.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    also, i would go a min. of 8 weeks.

  4. #4
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I would run the test a couple of weeks past the tren and run the tren for at least 9 weeks, but I'm still researching for my prop/tren cycle..i'm planning on 100mg test prop ED and tren 60-75 mg ED.....but that's just my .02...there's tons of info around..good luck...and of course nolva, l-dex or femera, b-6, etc. to head off any problems
    Last edited by almostgone; 08-21-2004 at 06:43 AM. Reason: slack-*ss typing

  5. #5
    Britguy is offline Banned
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    Jun 2003
    thanks for the reply guys, i thought i might get a bit more critism over planning a 6 weeker, i know many seem to do longer ones but im trying to be careful abot tren sides here as well, my other alternative is:

    Test Prop 1-13 50mg ED ( still working to larger dosages at minute)
    Eq 1-10 400mg Pw

  6. #6
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    No experience with the EQ, so my opinion wouldn't be worth 2 rows of rabbit sh*t.. ..bump for those with EQ experience..

  7. #7
    GETSOME's Avatar
    GETSOME is offline Junior Member
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    hey bro eq is a mild steriod , it will take longer for results so run it for atleast 12 weeks. get ready to eat

  8. #8
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Britguy
    thanks for the reply guys, i thought i might get a bit more critism over planning a 6 weeker, i know many seem to do longer ones but im trying to be careful abot tren sides here as well, my other alternative is:

    Test Prop 1-13 50mg ED ( still working to larger dosages at minute)
    Eq 1-10 400mg Pw
    I like it, but the test is at 350mg EW. It should be at least 100-200mg more then eq. Most like 100mg, but I'd go with 200mg, just in case. For a prop/tren cycle I made a batch of profina at 100mg. prop and 50mg fina per ml. I will shoot it ed for 8 weeks, then continue the prop for another week and a half or two. I am contemplating adding in some anavar , but haven't come to any conclusions yet. If you can get your hands on some tren enth you could add that into your cycle of eq and prop. I'd probably reccomend ditching the prop, and going with enth or cyp then kickstarting your cycle with some d-bol or var. I've always hated using long esters with short esters. Espically eq because it takes so long to kick in. For me, I've found that matching long eaters with long esters and short ones with short ones that my cycle gains seem to be more continuous and I don't hit a stale point. Just my .02.

  9. #9
    kronik is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ODC0717
    I like it, but the test is at 350mg EW. It should be at least 100-200mg more then eq. Most like 100mg, but I'd go with 200mg, just in case. For a prop/tren cycle I made a batch of profina at 100mg. prop and 50mg fina per ml. I will shoot it ed for 8 weeks, then continue the prop for another week and a half or two. I am contemplating adding in some anavar, but haven't come to any conclusions yet. If you can get your hands on some tren enth you could add that into your cycle of eq and prop. I'd probably reccomend ditching the prop, and going with enth or cyp then kickstarting your cycle with some d-bol or var. I've always hated using long esters with short esters. Espically eq because it takes so long to kick in. For me, I've found that matching long eaters with long esters and short ones with short ones that my cycle gains seem to be more continuous and I don't hit a stale point. Just my .02.
    EQ is very mild and can be run at the same amount as test IMO and several other bros on this board...

  10. #10
    Britguy is offline Banned
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    Jun 2003
    thanks for the opinions guys, you've given me plenty of food for thought!

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