first off i would like to say that i have been drug free my whole life. i have never touched mj or ex or anything, hell i dont even smoke cigerettes or drink.
however i am very interested in steroids and i dont have a problem waiting until im 24 or 25 before i should start cycling them.
right now im in a highpoint of my life, im not having any problems with girls, my parents seem normal with me for a change, and my grades at school are really decent, hell i have 2 honors classes, besides my weight lifting clas ofcourse.
heres what i need an opinion on however, I am 17 years old, and like i said i can wait till im 24, and that im drug free, what i was wondering was if i were to take one shot, just one shot not one cycle, would there be a chance of me having adverse affects like if i cycled.
some people will say, whats the point in takin 1 shot, well its no so much that im small and im lookin to get huge super fast, i weigh 140 and i have 17 inch arms and bench 275, i just wanna feel it, i wanna feel the juice, i wanna feel like a god, what do u guys think?