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Thread: teen needs an opinion on roids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    teen needs an opinion on roids

    first off i would like to say that i have been drug free my whole life. i have never touched mj or ex or anything, hell i dont even smoke cigerettes or drink.

    however i am very interested in steroids and i dont have a problem waiting until im 24 or 25 before i should start cycling them.

    right now im in a highpoint of my life, im not having any problems with girls, my parents seem normal with me for a change, and my grades at school are really decent, hell i have 2 honors classes, besides my weight lifting clas ofcourse.

    heres what i need an opinion on however, I am 17 years old, and like i said i can wait till im 24, and that im drug free, what i was wondering was if i were to take one shot, just one shot not one cycle, would there be a chance of me having adverse affects like if i cycled.
    some people will say, whats the point in takin 1 shot, well its no so much that im small and im lookin to get huge super fast, i weigh 140 and i have 17 inch arms and bench 275, i just wanna feel it, i wanna feel the juice, i wanna feel like a god, what do u guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    same thing I told you in the chat room,,,, wanna stop growing?? Hope you love your height cause you wont grow any taller.
    way to young,!!!, but to each thereown

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    just was wonderin, thanks for the advice bros,
    sk im about 5'11,
    and tom252002 i dont think ive ever talked to u in a chatroom

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    seriously dude, wait till your older, im 19 and know how you feel, but one shot or a cycle is going to bring you nothing but probs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    5'11" 140lb and 17" guns dont add up to me however I would wait


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    143 to be exact, 17 inch arms (not cold), most ive ever benched was 275, and the most ive ever squatted was 315*3, and most ive ever militaried was 205, i know it doesnt make to much sense, i have just a real thin waist, genetics i guess, i always had low body fat, always had a perfect 6 pac, sometimes 8.
    heres a pic of me from about 8 months ago, ive gain so much since then tho.

    if u want ill post some more pics

    guys trust me, im not bs, never lied about weights in my life. its my life to lift, i go everyday. i will make it to fame one day
    Last edited by TheGame826; 03-01-2002 at 09:13 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    dude.. first off, taking one shot, u won't even "feel the juice", u'll just be sore for a couple days, u won't gain anyweight, any stregnth, not from one shot... so save yourself some money, and effort, and wait about 2 more years.

    one more thing, benching 275, and squating 315 3X .. u need to work your legs better, and use that money buy some weight gainer or something.

    peace bro.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    lol,. bought some weight gainer not to long ago, i need to start training my legs alot more ur right. i love doin legs, i just love doin upperbody more. i appreciate the advice tho

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    juicehead land
    dude dont even waist your time or money!!!!!!! You are doing great natural especially at 17!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    penalty box


    I honestly think you r full of it. U R 140 with 275+ bench and 17 inch arms, b.s. If you had 17 inch guns at your weight you would be all arms. Acoording to your pic's you have about 14 inch guns at your weight, and bench 205, tops. Not meaning to flame but seriously eat and you will grow! You may even break 150 someday.
    P.S. I'm a litle drunk right now and it has taken me 25 minutes to type this post but I'm sure you R not ready for even one useless shot right now. NO POINT AT ALL! I'm not a whole lot older than U R(20) but one shot will not do anything as far as strebgth and mass. It may help you get over your fear of needles.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    Nice. Drunkness is always good.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    There is no way that you weigh 140 and have 17" arms, sorry but that is bullshit, oh and 5'11? No way, sorry.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    one shot? no way!

    total waste of time and money and effort! youll feel nothing at all other than a sore butt.

    you have a good base. build on it with good diet and good training. keep up your hard work and read everything you can on this board, and learn it like it might save your life one day (because it might!)

    dont play silly buggers with one shot. its a waste

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    1 that pic was takin about 8 months ago, and ur correct at i had 14 inch arms at the time of that picture. howver u guys are totally worng because i do have 17 inch arms and bench 275, and to top it off when i benched 275 i wasnt takin any supplements. i cant believe u guys would say im bs'ing. i didnt make this post to tell lie about hwo big my arms are i made it ask a question..
    god damn, gettin flamed for workin hard for my body

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    dont be disheartened!

    ok so some people made comments you didnt like! its not the end of the world. you should look at the constructive comments and think seriously about them.

    on this board there are very few flames and (most) of those are justified! in this case maybe not, i dont see the point in it myself, if you say your arms are such and such a size then thats fine by me, i dont care either way!

    what i DO care about is the the fact that a drug free bro with a good solid base and some good training commitment is about to make a serious error of judgement!!

    you dont need to use AS yet at all, and you wont even notice one shot of anything since juice takes about 3-4 weeks to get into your system, which is why we would normally consider an oral AS to start off a cycle. and before you ask.... one tablet wont do anything either!

    do yourself a very big favour.... forget the AS for a good while and dont do ANY until you are ready for your first complete cycle. if you do this, and keep a good eye on this board i am sure you will get a much better response when you post and ask about your first cycle.

    keep training bro, and stay natural until the time is right

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You don't bench 275, i don't care what you say. And I took my first cycle at 18 sus/deca/d-boll. BUt it didn't do my second one until i was 21.......oh wait i am 21 okay nevermind
    happy birthday me

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Fort Worth Tx
    No flame here or anything but i think im going to have to call B.S on this one. One of two things here must be a lie, either you dont weigh 140. or you dont bench 275. there is no way you are 5'11 140 with 17 " guns. i have a couple of friends who are 5'11 160 and they are thin as shit with no muscle, or fat, and since you have much more muscle, and muscle weighs more, i dont see how this is possible. maybe it is i dont know if im wrong im sorry

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    alright thanks for the info, ill forget bout the as for a few years.

    just for the non believers heres my bench routine:
    1 set: 135*10
    2 set: 205*6
    3 set: 225*4
    4 set: 265*2
    5 set: 275*1

    dont flame on me, i just could bench 275, ive been lifting since 8th grade and have been real serious since sophimore year. i worked real hard for that 275, what sucks is that ive been stuck at it for over a month now.
    if u believe me or not, what do i have to prove to you, i already proved it to myself

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live
    You know this has become a regular thing for several years now. I am not saying this guy should juice at his age especially with the amount of research he has obviously invested but does anyone have any research they can post that says early HRT will hinder overall growth? I have yet to ever see anything of this nature. In fact I am good friends with Mr. Nobody who admittedly started when he was 16. He is now 305 bulked and 285 with abs at 6'3". Not to shabby sporting 21" guns. So obviously there is something that is getting missed
    My thoughts are long the same lines... I started when I was 18 and more than 4 years later I can still relate...
    should you start at your age? well, you know and as almost everyone said NO...

    There's a diff between should I or I will... to me it sounds like you already made up your mind... at your age the only AAS that dosent cause plate closier is OX, if you already have made up your mind a heavy cycle is difinatly not the best choice.... continue your reseach untill at least you have clear understanding of AAS.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    It can be possible, I have seen lots of tiny(not saying you are tiny) buggers easily bench around 300 so its not impossible.
    What do you curl and what weight do you use in skullcrusher btw??
    I hardly ever do skull crunchers, that workout just doesnt apeal to me. with curling dumbels i do sets of 10 with 40's then i drop down to 20's then back up to the 40's, and the most ive curled with a curl bar was 95*8, i get bad pains in my wrists when i go heavy with curl bars so i havent tried going about 95 in a while.

  21. #21
    Originally posted by johan
    It can be possible, I have seen lots of tiny(not saying you are tiny) buggers easily bench around 300 so its not impossible.

    What do you curl and what weight do you use in skullcrusher btw??
    I have 17 inch arms right now and im curling 110*8. 132*3
    and with dumbels 58*8 and i skullcrush 110*6.
    what the hell is wrong with my guns? I just whipped out the tape measure and my arms are like 15.75", i'm 6'0" 205 pounds and my guns don't look by any means small. I'm curling straight bar 115x6 and dumbells I can get 60x6, damned genetics. last cycle I was nailing 135x8 straight bar. Okay, this is depressing.

  22. #22
    okay, after crying about it I realized it's my triceps. It's 2/3 the arm mass and my triceps are definitely not keeping up. Strange, I do seated behind the head (2hands) dumbells with 100s for 8. Okay, skull crushers, close grip bench, weighted dips, hear I come. You guys got me all pumped for my shoulder/tris workout in a couple of hours.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    my tri's are why my arms are so big, lucked out with those genetics, id be weak as hell if it wasnt for my tri's

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    17 inch arms? at 140? 275 lbs bench? at 140??

    impossible at 5'11, Im almost 170 lbs and go just over 200 for my max bench(sad but true), and my arms arnt 17 inches thats for sure!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    bro im tellin u its possible, as soon i can ill get a pic of me with the tape measure around my arm, and a pic of me on the scale.

    btw i did 205 on military *1

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by TheGame826
    bro im tellin u its possible, as soon i can ill get a pic of me with the tape measure around my arm, and a pic of me on the scale.

    btw i did 205 on military *1
    You do that and make sure you cut off the first 3-4 inches oof your tape...No flame intended but they aint no 17 inch guns....its not the 140 but the 5'11 140....See my friend im 5'11 225 and i only got 18 inchers...You telling me at 140 yours are only one inch smaller than mine????they dont even look close...

    Also i got friends at 140 who can lift alot of weight but they arent 5'11 ...alot shorter actually...We come here to be honest and get/give any help we can...If youre just here to try and impress us..ITS NOT WORKING!..Train hard and good luck....


  27. #27
    dude, all these people are flaming you and you probably hate everyone now, but i have some advice. think about what you type before you type it. you could have asked the question without that sentence about your stats and saved yourself a lot of grief. boards are skeptical because in this lifestyle there is a lot of skepticism. trust is paramount in these online environments and earning it is tough, I know. I can't blames us for being this way - there is so much scamming and bullshitting that we're programmed to call bullshit on anything that doesn't smell right. basically, I'm apologizing for the responses you got, but telling you that you should expect them if you come online and start listing things that don't seem to check out with the boyz. the best way to getting usable information is to be direct and humble. welcome to the board.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    its cool,i understand people are skepticle, i get it alot. people that know me dont believe me bout the stuff. they believe my arms are 17 (because they are) And they believe im 5'11, they just never believe i only weigh about 140... most coomon thing i hear is that theres no way that i could only weigh 140.... what could u do tho... like im not trying to gain weight. btw who would i be tryin to impress here. i dont even know anybody personally.

    thanks for the pep talk floyd

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    start working on lower body to gain weight, ur bench is way too close to ur squat.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    and if ur 5'11 140, i wouldnt be proud of only weighing 140 lbs. if you dedicate urself to working lower body, ull gain much more weight considering ur lower body is where alot of ur weight is,

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Here's something no one is considering. I've watched little guys squat 405 before. Their form is shit though, they don't go anywhere near 90 degrees. Then, you'll see them get on bench and bounce 315 off their chest once and say they can bench it. IMO, weight is generally not an issue util you've seen how someone actually works out. I'm not calling bullshit on you thegame, but if you tell me you do 275 in strict form at 17 totally natural at 5'11'' and 140 pounds, I will be. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Do some research and by the time you're 21 or 22, you'll be ready for a killer cycle.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    I thought only girls starved attention? 5'11" 140? Can we say Somalian? I have never seen Somalians have 17 inch arms nor have I seen them military press 205. I cant even do that and I weigh 225. It can be done at Gold's gym. I can rep 365 there on bench. Their weights are filled with duck feathers or something. That place is a joke and so is this kid. Flame Flame Flame.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    im gonna start legs 2 or 3 times a week

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    thats too much

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