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Thread: Hows this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Nor Cal

    Question Hows this?

    cycle one
    1cc t400, and 1cc deca 300, twice a week (10weeks total) 200mg b/6 e/d
    pct clomid
    300mg day one.... 200mg b/6
    100mg days 2-11 200mg b/6
    50mg day 12-21 200mg b/6
    Is this long enough with the clomid?
    How long after the last shot should I start pct?
    Do I need nolvadex, e/d too? 10-20mg? Or only if gyno. symptoms appear?
    cycle two
    test, cyp. 200, 1cc and deca 300, twice a week (10weeks total) 200mg b/6 ed
    pct clomid
    same as above....
    Typicaly cycles with deca and test...... dont you usally run more test then deca?
    Is cycle two light on test?
    Should I lighten up on the deca a bit say 300 mg per week instead?

  2. #2
    i have a couple of issues with these proposed cycles. first of all, the deca at 600mg/ew is a bit high for a first cycle. i would run it at no more than 2mg per pound of bodyweight.
    T400 is going to hurt like hell, are you aware of this?
    Yes you will need nolva, start at 10mg/ed and increase if gyno symptoms occur.
    Cyp would be my choice of tests out of the two you listed.

    What are your stats?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A happy place!
    for your first cycle you could get away with 400mg of test a week (1cc of t400)
    your size will tell stats would be nice.
    And YES t400 may not want to shoot it in your quads, delts bi's or any
    place but your glute! and even that will hurt.......mix it with your deca and it will be
    a bit better.
    600mg of deca is too much for your first.......300 to 400mg would be better.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Nor Cal
    Sorry, Im 6'4" 230 lbs @ 20% 33 yrs old.

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