cycle one
1cc t400, and 1cc deca 300, twice a week (10weeks total) 200mg b/6 e/d
pct clomid
300mg day one.... 200mg b/6
100mg days 2-11 200mg b/6
50mg day 12-21 200mg b/6
Is this long enough with the clomid?
How long after the last shot should I start pct?
Do I need nolvadex, e/d too? 10-20mg? Or only if gyno. symptoms appear?
cycle two
test, cyp. 200, 1cc and deca 300, twice a week (10weeks total) 200mg b/6 ed
pct clomid
same as above....
Typicaly cycles with deca and test...... dont you usally run more test then deca?
Is cycle two light on test?
Should I lighten up on the deca a bit say 300 mg per week instead?