I am planning on doing a primo only cycle and was wondering if any of you have any tips to make this a successful cycle. Please do not say "add test". My goals are to gain 10lbs of muscle without gaining any fat.
I am planning on doing a primo only cycle and was wondering if any of you have any tips to make this a successful cycle. Please do not say "add test". My goals are to gain 10lbs of muscle without gaining any fat.
I am interested in this.... what would dosage be for 10-12 weeks? 400mg EW and shot E3D?
Add test...There is a reason why so many will say add test. Don't just ignore it. Get all the facts. If you only want 10 pounds you can do that with a good diet and no AAS. BTW...you can gain 10 lbs with test and not gain any fat with a good diet. Get the hint...you need a good diet, and rest with any gear you use and that includes primo. If I was going to do just one AAS alone I would use primo...If I could find any real primo out there, but I would use about 800mgs/w.
I will be doing it in Costa Rica and the primo will be real. I do not want to use test, and yes I realize 10 lbs of muscle can be attained naturally. That does not mean I want to wait year to put it on when I can do it in eight weeks(anabolically assisted). Does anyne have any other opinions?
oh and is 800mg/week a usual dosage?
primo is for women...lol
I ust did a **** load of research and have decided to run test enanthate with it. What dosage should I run both of these at? Can shoot them both on the same days since they are both enanthate esters?
you just did a s_it load of reaserch in about a half an hour?
Primo is an "additive" , one may choose to add that to a cycle, usually at the end to help smoothe things out a bit..but a Primo only cycle-isnt likely to add 10 keepable lbs
I have done several primo only cylces, they were the real primo from Schering.
I liked the cycle for getting cut with clean diet and a cutting type workout.
Since your goal is to gain weight, the primo would help you gain weight but very slowly. The weight you gain will be good, quality weight. But if you want to gain 10-lbs. quickly Test will definitely help.
I don't know if you are a hard gainer or not. I gain weight very easy (both a blessing and a curse) and I could gain 10 pounds on a primo only cycle, with the right workout and diet, in only roughly 4 weeks.
Well i know 2 guys that just finished their primo cycles
Guy nr 1:
1-8: 300 mg Primobolan EW
Gained 7 kg ~ 15 lbs and kept it all
Guy nr 2:
1-10: 400 mg Primobolan EW
Gained 11 kg ~ 22 lbs but he isn't done with the postcycle
So IMO Primo only is a safe choice
I've heard a primo only is ok too, it doesn't aromitize and I think it's fairly safe on the hpta
If you use primo only @ 3-400mg/week and have a good diet you will gain 10 pounds unless you are a hardgainer. I have seen female athletes pack on 10 pounds of muscle on primo only cycles without too much trouble.
Maybe something else that acts a bit quicker then an enanthate ester. I would add in anavar at 50mg ed. It's like hoopcat said, primo will build ya, but slowly. Adding in var will help kick off the cycle. I would still reccomend test, not a whole lot, maybe 250mg e3d. Run the primo at 600mg ew or 300mg e3d. Personally, if I was going to do a cycle similar to this it would look something like this...
500-600mg test enth (250-300mg e3d) wk.1-12
400-600mg primo enth (200-300mg e3d) wk.1-10
50mg anavar ed wk1-6
This is just my .02, though.
I like these responses. Maybe I will just do primo only. I have one month to decide. I am not a hardgainer, so maybe I don't have to add test and shut myself down hard.
did they gain fat? How many cals were they eating?
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