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Thread: sweats, no sleep

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In the woods

    sweats, no sleep

    I know there have been many threads on this, but last night was the first night it hit my azz and it sucked. i woke up 2 hrs after going to bed and thought i had slept my 8 hrs looked at clock and i had been asleep for an hour. after that i couldn't go to beed till another hr later and woke up about every hour later sweating. im on just test 500 btw. but what im getting at is i took nyquil before i went to beed, think this could have anything to do with the sweats and no sleep. i ask this because its the first time this is happend, its also the first time ive takin nyquil on cycle. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    I had interrupted sleep pattern during my last cycle. I used nyquil. For the next cycle I want to try melatonine. Looks like it works great.

  3. #3
    Sounds like you had a kick ass power nap. Those are always my favorite, sure you don't sleep as long, but that one hour of sleep is so intense that you should feel just great the whole next day.
    Nyquil has done that to me also. It seems like ten minutes after I take it I zone out and then pass out. I think when it wears off (an hour or two) your body just wakes up, and then its so hard to fall back out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Same thing happens to me every time I'm on a cycle. Sleeping sucks!!!!! If I can't sleep, I use Nyquil, or Valarian root. That seems to help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dante's Inferno
    i've pretty much chalked it up to no sleep in the beginning of every cycle. you should be able to sleep fine eventually. your body's just getting used to your high test levels

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by )(PimP JuicE)(
    I know there have been many threads on this, but last night was the first night it hit my azz and it sucked. i woke up 2 hrs after going to bed and thought i had slept my 8 hrs looked at clock and i had been asleep for an hour. after that i couldn't go to beed till another hr later and woke up about every hour later sweating. im on just test 500 btw. but what im getting at is i took nyquil before i went to beed, think this could have anything to do with the sweats and no sleep. i ask this because its the first time this is happend, its also the first time ive takin nyquil on cycle. Thanks.
    Get some benedril and take 2 before bad, maybe that will help. Also like if my wife is stuck up and I dont get any scky fcky, I'll be up all night but if she gives me a service call, I sleep like a baby. You got a sweet heart sleeping with you? If not, get one, get sex, get sleep.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    hahaa....get sex and get sleep....thats the way to go...and if that fails..get jk....but i hate night sweats..i woke up a week ago in a puddle of was horrible

  8. #8
    It also may as well be the nyquil. I know whenever I take nyquil I get this really wierd unsettled feeling in the middle of the night like i cant sit still. I also cant sleep and wake up every hour it sucks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Night sweats seem to be VERY common with gear. Nyquil has a large base of alcohol
    which will almost always screw with your sleep patterns. IMO nyquil is not a good
    solution. Melatonin helps me as well as sex/masturbation. Your body will eventually adjust as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    jus put it into your mind that the more u sleep the more your gonna grow, works for me

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