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  1. #1
    gibsonlpsd is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004

    Opinions on this first cycle

    Ok, I have been doing some research for the past 6 months and I feel I know enough (I am not saying I know everything, believe me I don't. I learn something new everyday I come to this forum and other ones.) and am responsible enough to start on my first cycle. I have been training for 7 solid years and I have a good diet. I eat about 6-7 solid meals a day, all are high in protein and carbs and I try to keep the BAD fat intake to a minimum. After researching this is a cycle I have come up with and I was hoping some of you could help me critique it if it needs it. Thanks.

    Weeks 1-4 20 mg Dianabol ED
    Weeks 1-8 500mg Test. Enanthate per/week 125 EOD
    Weeks 1-6 500mg Sustanon per/week 125 EOD
    Weeks 1-9 10 mg Nolvadex ED

    Will start 3 weeks after last Sustanon injection

    Day 1 300mg Clomid/20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-30 100mg Clomid/20mg Nolvadex
    Day 31-37 20mg Nolvadex

    The only question I have is that if I were to do a cycle of the Test., Sus., and Nolva., would I still be ok without the dbol . I have seen many people for their first cycles will not use dbol but I have also seen many who do use it. I just wanted some opinions either way. Thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    There's no need to run SUS and Enan together...... they are both tests just SUS has 4 types of test in it.

    The D-bol is too low...... 40mg ED will work fine

    Weeks 1-4 35 mg Dianabol ED
    Weeks 1-10 500mg Test. Enanthate per/week 125 EOD
    Weeks 1-12 20 mg Nolvadex ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after Enan injection


    Weeks 1-4 35 mg Dianabol ED
    Weeks 1-10 500mg Sustanon per/week 125 EOD
    Weeks 1-13 20 mg Nolvadex ED

    Start PCT 3 weeks after last SUS injection

    PCT for both cycles
    Day 1 300mg Clomid/20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-30 100mg Clomid/20mg Nolvadex
    Day 31-37 20mg Nolvadex
    Last edited by TheMudMan; 08-24-2004 at 08:34 PM.

  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Apr 2003
    On the d-bol......... If you want to get quicker gains while waiting for the test to kick in then use the d-bol........ If you think you can wait then don't run it.

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