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  1. #1
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Taking Stanazolol Pills ???

    If you want to take 50mg of Stanazolol, and each pill is 5mg, do you just down 10 pills each day? Isn't that too much? Would you take 2pills at a time, throughout the day? Or like 5pills in the morning and 5pills in the afternoon?

    Also, I know this shouldn't be taken too long, so is 4-6 weeks good? This would be good at the end of our 2003 year cycle. Taken like W8-12 or W8-14.

  2. #2
    dane26's Avatar
    dane26 is offline Retired Moderator
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    split the pills up throughout the day. i would split them into 10mg 5x a day. run them for no longer than 6 weeks

  3. #3
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Must it be with food?

  4. #4
    Kaz's Avatar
    Kaz is offline Member
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    i used some of these a while back - like dane said split them up through the day.

    as for the food, i think this is a per person thing. people say with food because if you have a sensitive stomach they might cause you some belly bloat or a little discomfort.

    personaly i never suffered from that, and i only took them with food it the time was right for food. you will have to experiment a little with them but since you will be taking fairly small doses each time you should not get any major problems.

  5. #5
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    What about those new 50mg Winny pills. Are they hard to find?

  6. #6
    planetx is offline Associate Member
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    Usually not too much to say after dane26 has spoken bit please let me add this. One of the benefits of winny tabs at 5mg (2??)
    IS the ability to control and manipulate blood levels more effectively than a straight 50mg jab. Some bros do in fact split 50mg jab into three separate daily injects!! So by all means, split them up as dane26 has directed you.

    Sure inject is mostly preferred for a lot of reasons however, IMO this is some reasons why someone may elect for tabs.

    -women, require much lower dose, screw the .25cc jabs

    -needle "cowards", scared of "jabs"

    -more consistent blood levels more plausible with tablets rather than tedious, mutiple daily injects of 10-15mg per pop, as some advocate! Tabs are easily spread apart over waking hours.

    -user already has many injects in the cycle. Like daily Virormone, or daily suspension, EQ at only 50mg/ml and runnin' 600mg....Yikes!!!

    Regards and get the cycle going!!!

  7. #7
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    don't forget you can drink it too, so no need for injects, funny thing is I had the same question as I was going over my winny cycle next time. I realize I was short a whole lotta pills. I don't know what I was thinking. I think I was trying to get my minimum order, and I said "what the hell, throw in some winny tabs, they are cheap!" Anyways, do you take 50Mg EOD true? or is 50MG per day recommended?

  8. #8
    planetx is offline Associate Member
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    50mg ED Sicilian.....for optimal gains, IMO.

    Been on the other boards and a few VET's have told me to go to 100mg/ED. A bit steep IMO

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