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Thread: overdose?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    new york


    Can you od on juice? And if so how much would u have to take for that to happen?:l lift:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    It depends on what you mean by overdose. If you take a dose over the recommended medical recommendation your overdosing.
    However I suspect you mean, could youtake so much that it would kill you, I don't think you can.
    W.A.R. give's are good example whereby they ask which between a bottle of paracetamol, a bottle of multivitmins and a bottle of dball will kill you quick if taken in an overdose. It's results are
    1. Paracetamol.
    2. the Vits and finally (and probably one of the more dangerous AAS) came the Dianabol.

    That said, there's an old saying about Dianaball......

    "Die BIG, Die YOUNG........Die-anabol!"

    So moderation in everything my friend.


  3. #3
    Can you OD? Well, steriods alone wont kill you. But you can OD, sure, you end up lookin like Greg Kovaks

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