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Thread: genetic potential

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    sin city

    genetic potential

    I have read quite abit about genetic potential..
    Seems like no one here has reached there goals natuaraly

    Yes I am guilty of it , years ago when I started using gear I was not ready..
    Yes I wish I would have waited
    but anyhoo

    what defines genetic potential

    aguy who trains and eats right for 2 yrs or a guy that trains and eats right for 5 yrs or 10 yrs do you know when that time would be..

    Imean a newbie could train right and eat right for 6 months (starting with a good frame ) and pack on some good muscle in those 6 months
    and train for another two years and not gain any significant size
    so did he hit his potentail in the first 6 mo or was it after after 2 years

    say Im 6 foot
    180lbs 7% bf
    waht would be my genetic potentail
    say Im
    5"6 180 lbs
    am I at my Gentic potentail
    is a blurry area isnt it??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    a lot of us probably do fall in that category, i was a tubby kid in h/s, and near the end i leaned out, and muscled up, i then graduated at around, 225-230,stayed that way and after a few years, i got up to like 260-270, after i knew to eat constantly, natty, albeit, not all muscle , but i gained 30-40 lbs, not i'm sorta stallin, but i've sent up a few pounds recently and have stuck there, at least if you've gained 20-40+lbs and have a trained a few years, it would be a lot better than being 130 and have only worked out for a few months and to start jucing then IMO

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I waited until I was 27 and had 15 years of lifting behind me. At my peak naturally I was about 280lbs and now weigh in at about 270 but more athletic after the gear use. I know I wasnt going to get much bigger naturally then and started using gear mainly for its injury healing benefits.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I am 100% natural right now and weigh 195, 5'9" with 7% bodyfat. I believe genetics have everything to do with it. I started boxing when I was 7 and worked out from that point with weights and training until I was 22, from that point on I have worked out and now Im 33. Right now I have a better body than most 20 year olds, Im still pretty strong : Bench 315, squat mid to hi 4's, hammer curl 110's, incline 245 +. I have always been stronger and more muscular than friends and people at the gym. It makes things a lot easier with good genetics. My father is 57 and he is ripped and muscular like a 20 year old and he DOES NOT work out. It all depends on what you want look like I guess. I want to try a cycle just to see what it will do to someone like me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    yup genetics

    I dont wish to be flamed I only am here to learn about things but ill tell you my story and hopefully wont get banned. I am 17, I have read the rules and sorry that I undermined them but im here to learn. Anywho
    I am 17
    194 Lbs
    10% BF
    I started out 2 years ago at 160 LBs and I am all natural.
    Never juiced or anything, I don't even feel close to reaching my genetic potential and I keep growing. Maybe because I am still young but how do you tell when you reached your peak?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by wiz
    I dont wish to be flamed I only am here to learn about things but ill tell you my story and hopefully wont get banned. I am 17, I have read the rules and sorry that I undermined them but im here to learn. Anywho
    I am 17
    194 Lbs
    10% BF
    I started out 2 years ago at 160 LBs and I am all natural.
    Never juiced or anything, I don't even feel close to reaching my genetic potential and I keep growing. Maybe because I am still young but how do you tell when you reached your peak?
    once you have hit a plateau you change up some variable.... traning principles, diet,recovery times, time of day you train, use of a partner,etc. some variable must change.once you have changed some variables ride that out. in time if you plateau change them again. plateau,change.plateau, change. get it?
    after spending years of doing this you will be much more intuned with your body and how it responds to different stimulus. that is key.drugs do nothing if you do not know how to train properly and that takes years of trying new methods.

  7. #7
    Well, I've been training for 11 years and just now started juicing. For the first 8 years I saw good gains in strength and size every year, reaching 195 at 5'9" with a 300lb bench, 440lb deadlift, and 350lb squat by the end of highschool.
    Over the next three years I was stuck, both in body weight and on the bench. My squat increased but only due to better technique. I tried different eating strategies, lifting stratagies(powerlifting etc.) and finally decided to hit the juice. So far it's been the best decision I've made, both to wait until I was ready and to finally go through with it.
    So, I believe that I did reach my genetic potential before juicing. I'm glad I did because now I know my body better than I thought possible.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    sin city
    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    Well, I've been training for 11 years and just now started juicing. For the first 8 years I saw good gains in strength and size every year, reaching 195 at 5'9" with a 300lb bench, 440lb deadlift, and 350lb squat by the end of highschool.
    Over the next three years I was stuck, both in body weight and on the bench. My squat increased but only due to better technique. I tried different eating strategies, lifting stratagies(powerlifting etc.) and finally decided to hit the juice. So far it's been the best decision I've made, both to wait until I was ready and to finally go through with it.
    So, I believe that I did reach my genetic potential before juicing. I'm glad I did because now I know my body better than I thought possible.
    so you waited 3 yrs with minimal gains before yoiu decide to juice

    So youi could have started a lot sooner than you did??

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by dumblucky
    so you waited 3 yrs with minimal gains before yoiu decide to juice

    So youi could have started a lot sooner than you did??
    I didn't juice sooner because I wanted to wait until I was 21.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    There is no such thing. If you get to the point in where you absolutely cant make any gains, you are doing something wrong.

    AAS only speeds things up. IMHO. I took them because I was impatient and didnt want to wait 10-20 years what I could do in 3 or 4.

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